I’ve always found it an interesting conundrum: evil characters are always created/draw/painted as so much more complex than good characters. But staying good requires just as much thought, perhaps more so, and discipline as being bad. Anybody read any books where the “good guy/gal” is really as complex as the “bad guy/gal”? And why is “going rogue” portrayed as such a great thing?
Masterskrain about 7 years ago
THIS is a “Hallmark Movie” I’d actually sit through!
Lyons Group, Inc. about 7 years ago
I know cartoon characters aren’t supposed to age, but I wonder how Lola Granola looks these days?
KristineKuhns about 7 years ago
Love how the only touches of color are Steve and Frank’s noses in panel 2, Steve’s from anger, Frank’s from???
mourdac Premium Member about 7 years ago
Hallmark Xmas movies – the gift which keeps on giving
1953Baby about 7 years ago
I’ve always found it an interesting conundrum: evil characters are always created/draw/painted as so much more complex than good characters. But staying good requires just as much thought, perhaps more so, and discipline as being bad. Anybody read any books where the “good guy/gal” is really as complex as the “bad guy/gal”? And why is “going rogue” portrayed as such a great thing?
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 7 years ago
Where DOES all the left-over eggnog go at the end of the year?
banjinshiju about 7 years ago
I’m really beginning to enjoy the Frank character. He makes such a good contrasting foil to Steve’s character.
Sisyphos about 7 years ago
Think you’re clever, don’t you, Penguin? Well,Let’s see if the Batman concurs!
(Whoops! Wrong mythos….)
Sherlock Watson about 7 years ago
Floraltherapist? As I recall, she used a blowtorch to create “art.”
lindz.coop Premium Member about 7 years ago
“Hammered in eggnog”…..