Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for February 11, 2018

  1. Cat in lime helmet
    sappha58  about 7 years ago

    Ha – Cupid’s arrow just missed!

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    John Smith  about 7 years ago

    When are you going to learn Arlo? No matter what you do or how much you give you can NEVER make a woman happy. Just stop trying and see how she likes that.

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  3. Flag 08.21.24
    jarvisloop  about 7 years ago

    Why is the pressure of Valentine’s Day always on the male? How about a little equality in these days of the liberated woman? Isn’t it time for them to go all out – buy us something special and expensive, treat us to a fantastic dinner, be as loving and complimentary as possible?

    Gentlemen, I say that it’s time for a revolution! I say it’s time for us to tell them that all of the responsibility is now on them.

    Of course, this means that most of us will be sleeping alone for a while.

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  4. Flag 08.21.24
    jarvisloop  about 7 years ago

    Bottom of the Page Bonus Strip: Only a few of us lived through the Sixties. Most of us simply survived that miserable decade.

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  5. Tyge
    Tyge  about 7 years ago

    @Jimmy J this doesn’t sound like Arlo AT ALL. Where did the old Arlo go that could sweep Janis off her feet? Bring her a glass of wine and linger with her while she luxuriated in her bath? Of cat and the fiddle fame? Have you reduced Arlo to “everyman”? Bah!

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    Terrence Feenstra Premium Member about 7 years ago

    I’m with Arlo. This is how I live my life with my wife. Every day is a special day. Valentine’s Day is just a human construct, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing (thanks, Will).

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    Oclvroadbikerider  about 7 years ago

    Maybe not shoot arrows into the couch (last frame)?

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    joefearsnothing  about 7 years ago

    I thought Arlo said " Do we not enjoy an intimate dinner out of ten enough? The word often was spaced a little weird for me.

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    caring55  about 7 years ago

    inside of a lot of us is the child still longing to be the one that everybody looks at and admires the most. Valentines is the one day a year that you can make someone feel like the special one. Why is it so hard to reach out and give your best person a little public validation?

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  10. Doodles
    monkeyhead  about 7 years ago

    That is my honey and my day off. Valentines day is just ugh, too much. I have 364 other days of the year that are much more important. We try and show each other every day our love, we don’t need Valentines day.

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  11. Doodles
    monkeyhead  about 7 years ago

    That is my honey and my day off. Valentines day is just ugh, too much. I have 364 other days of the year that are much more important. We try and show each other every day our love, we don’t need Valentines day.

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  12. Large screen shot 2020 04 25 at 12.52.24 pm
    juneybug  about 7 years ago

    Catholic guys are off the hook. Valentine’s falls on Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting and penance.

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  13. Large bouquet
    Mema Jean  about 7 years ago

    Hit and miss I see. Oh Arlo.

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    booga  about 7 years ago

    I’d rather spend that $85-250 in flowers + $150-300 on two entrees and drinks + various other incidental costs for: 1. a plant that will live into the next decade, 2. a gourmet dinner at home, with enough leftover to share with friends and family 3. car maintenance4. a nice bottle of wine

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    booga  about 7 years ago

    I’d rather spend that $85-250 in flowers + $150-300 on two entrees and drinks + various other incidental costs for: 1. a plant that will live into the next decade, 2. a gourmet dinner at home, with enough leftover to share with friends and family 3. car maintenance4. a nice bottle of wine

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    baraktorvan  about 7 years ago

    Just one of the stupid holidays if you ask my husband and I. We say if you cannot treat your loved one like they are the center of your world every day of the year, this one day will not matter. To us, every day is a Valentine’s Day. Read a little about its history and you will discover it’s Pagan roots and how Hallmark used guilt to force Americans to give it money. Basic Wikipedia.

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