He got them from ACME. Only used once by a little old coyote.
There was a time the Olympics didn’t have qualifying events. You just signed up for the event you wanted to compete in.
Some British guy entered the ski jump competition, never having done it before.
Hilarity ensues.
He should have signed up for Curling
He might had a minor problem with the corners.
The next episode of “What could possibly go wrong” on the Discovery Channel.
Except if Curls is competing for the Russian team. The athlete is not doped up, just the equipment.
It’s “allow only” not “only allow.”
Farside99 about 7 years ago
He got them from ACME. Only used once by a little old coyote.
Nyckname about 7 years ago
There was a time the Olympics didn’t have qualifying events. You just signed up for the event you wanted to compete in.
Some British guy entered the ski jump competition, never having done it before.
Hilarity ensues.
markhughw about 7 years ago
He should have signed up for Curling
dadlivonia about 7 years ago
He might had a minor problem with the corners.
Doug Taylor Premium Member about 7 years ago
The next episode of “What could possibly go wrong” on the Discovery Channel.
B UTTONS about 7 years ago
Except if Curls is competing for the Russian team. The athlete is not doped up, just the equipment.
Kip W about 7 years ago
cocavan11 about 7 years ago
It’s “allow only” not “only allow.”
cocavan11 about 7 years ago
It’s “allow only” not “only allow.”