Maybe if we get some whales, they could help out with this situation.
The crabs ate the contents of the tube and you’re next.
Doesn’t it occur to them to ask who used up all the TP?
rendezvous with rama by arthur c clarke started pretty much the same way
Arthur C. Clarke could have written a story about an empty tube in space. It would have been mystical or humorous.
I thought this was a riff on the Probe from Star Trek 4.
Rendezvous With Rama written by Arthur C. Clark. Fantastic Science fiction book series.
June 13, 2017
salenstormwing over 5 years ago
Maybe if we get some whales, they could help out with this situation.
Diat60 over 5 years ago
The crabs ate the contents of the tube and you’re next.
prrdh over 5 years ago
Doesn’t it occur to them to ask who used up all the TP?
kunddog over 5 years ago
rendezvous with rama by arthur c clarke started pretty much the same way
willie_mctell over 5 years ago
Arthur C. Clarke could have written a story about an empty tube in space. It would have been mystical or humorous.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 5 years ago
I thought this was a riff on the Probe from Star Trek 4.
Scoutmaster77 over 5 years ago
Rendezvous With Rama written by Arthur C. Clark. Fantastic Science fiction book series.