If two tin cans and a string was good enough for me, it’s good enough for you. Oh, I have to go, there’s someone on the other string.
If they had cell phones this conversation wouldn’t be happening.
California gives phones to poor folks. Perhaps a couple of Jitterbug flip phones for you two.
Grandmother gets it – cellular telephones are “generally” the most useless electronic appendages carried by man as they are engineered at this time. And with the Facebook/Cambridge Analyitica debacle, they are becoming downright dangerous to humans!
Jeff0811 almost 7 years ago
If two tin cans and a string was good enough for me, it’s good enough for you. Oh, I have to go, there’s someone on the other string.
Oleander Premium Member almost 7 years ago
If they had cell phones this conversation wouldn’t be happening.
Marvin Premium Member almost 7 years ago
California gives phones to poor folks. Perhaps a couple of Jitterbug flip phones for you two.
wellis1947 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Grandmother gets it – cellular telephones are “generally” the most useless electronic appendages carried by man as they are engineered at this time. And with the Facebook/Cambridge Analyitica debacle, they are becoming downright dangerous to humans!