The problem with the Catholic Church is that it is dead in the sense that the Latin language is dead. It has not evolved with society. It’s stuck in the 4th Century when it was created by Emperor Constantine.
The Pope must be speaking Ex Cathedra for it to be infallible. This has only happened a handful of times. Wikipedia lists 7, another list has 11. Thoigh neither list is exhaustive we are still looking at only a couple dozen at most
Dani Rice almost 7 years ago
ACK! Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Not me. That other guy. Never me.
Thorby almost 7 years ago
I think that’s Pius XII. Didn’t he sign the Concordat with the Nazi’s in the 1930"s?
DanFlak almost 7 years ago
The problem with the Catholic Church is that it is dead in the sense that the Latin language is dead. It has not evolved with society. It’s stuck in the 4th Century when it was created by Emperor Constantine.
Did revelation stop with John of Patmos?
Crash55 almost 7 years ago
The Pope must be speaking Ex Cathedra for it to be infallible. This has only happened a handful of times. Wikipedia lists 7, another list has 11. Thoigh neither list is exhaustive we are still looking at only a couple dozen at most