Walked by a tent in a campground and saw a kid holding a gun on a couple. Reached in the tent, cuffed the arm and pulled him out, partner helped take him down. Cops don’t always have to shoot, and not everyone holding a gun knows what they’re doing with it. Sometimes it comes together.
BTW: calling for raising the age from 18 to 21 to buy a rifle? Does anyone realize this age group can be Navy SEALS, issued rifles, fully automatic, by the government that employs them? Limit magazine size, yes, good background checks and registration, yes, but let’s stick with things that make more sense?
Better hope he isn’t a LEO – pointing anything that can vaguely be construed as resembling a weapon of any kind at a LEO is valid justification for their responding with lethal force.
In the 60s when I 1st went on the LEO job I held through 4 decades, a teen with a gun meant a home built zip gun [piece of small gauge pipe, one bullet and a nail striker mounted on a heavy spring], in the 70s it meant a cheap Saturday night special revolver, the 80s brought the large capacity [more than 6 rounds like a revolver] semi=auto pistol into their hands, from the 90s fwd semi=auto rifles and pistols have been traded in neighborhood ‘trunk sales’ [large out of state buy, brought into state in an old car, pop the trunk in a shady neighborhood and sell weapon for 4x or more your purchase price]; point is if law abiding citizens who obtain their firearms legally are barred from such purchases, it will not change the streets one whit. The bad guys will simply revert to the build your own zip gun tech of the 60s and good people will still be at risk on the streets.
Say What? Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Wiley is on a roll, and the usual suspects are gonna be “triggered”… again.
keenanthelibrarian almost 7 years ago
I wouldn’t have thought being a cop would make all that much difference.
Dtroutma almost 7 years ago
Walked by a tent in a campground and saw a kid holding a gun on a couple. Reached in the tent, cuffed the arm and pulled him out, partner helped take him down. Cops don’t always have to shoot, and not everyone holding a gun knows what they’re doing with it. Sometimes it comes together.
Superfrog almost 7 years ago
Would you rather have the wallet or the applause?
in.amongst almost 7 years ago
Performance art? Not sure what performance has to with art..
wb4ngn almost 7 years ago
Why doesn’t my app work? Why do I have to go through a browser to get my comics?
Andrew Sleeth almost 7 years ago
I guess that makes this bloke a crisis actor, eh?
sandpiper almost 7 years ago
It’s at least as good as the affluenza defense used in Texas several years ago. Should get him off.
Radish... almost 7 years ago
A bad actor.
mddshubby2005 almost 7 years ago
The ‘gun debate’ would be much different if voters cared about the opinions of those who have been injured by guns.
Dtroutma almost 7 years ago
BTW: calling for raising the age from 18 to 21 to buy a rifle? Does anyone realize this age group can be Navy SEALS, issued rifles, fully automatic, by the government that employs them? Limit magazine size, yes, good background checks and registration, yes, but let’s stick with things that make more sense?
johnec almost 7 years ago
Better hope he isn’t a LEO – pointing anything that can vaguely be construed as resembling a weapon of any kind at a LEO is valid justification for their responding with lethal force.
Do you feel lucky, Punk? Well, do ya?!
oakie817 almost 7 years ago
most excellent
montessoriteacher almost 7 years ago
The kids who were punished were the ones who participated when they didn’t have permission
Russell Bedford almost 7 years ago
In the 60s when I 1st went on the LEO job I held through 4 decades, a teen with a gun meant a home built zip gun [piece of small gauge pipe, one bullet and a nail striker mounted on a heavy spring], in the 70s it meant a cheap Saturday night special revolver, the 80s brought the large capacity [more than 6 rounds like a revolver] semi=auto pistol into their hands, from the 90s fwd semi=auto rifles and pistols have been traded in neighborhood ‘trunk sales’ [large out of state buy, brought into state in an old car, pop the trunk in a shady neighborhood and sell weapon for 4x or more your purchase price]; point is if law abiding citizens who obtain their firearms legally are barred from such purchases, it will not change the streets one whit. The bad guys will simply revert to the build your own zip gun tech of the 60s and good people will still be at risk on the streets.