Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for March 12, 2018

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    LastRoseofSummer Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Sign me up!…. not.

    Every single bridge on the entire Oregon and N. Cal coast is being repaired, made for a looong trip!

    We are in Napa tonite and going to visit as many wineries as we can tomorrow.

    It was 74 today here. Such a welcome change! Even I’m getting tired of being cold all the time.

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    DennisinSeattle  about 7 years ago

    Quantity versus quality, that’s my approach to a wine tour! Of course last time I was in Napa, there were not very many wineries (and tasting was free).

    I read your post as " I was 74 today here, Such a welcome change. Even I’m getting tired of being old all the time."

    If a trip to Napa shaves a few years off your age, I am next!

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    laughingkitty  about 7 years ago

    I guess I’m lucky. I work for more than ten cats, but by bosses don’t ignore, dismiss, avoid or reject me. And the pay me with kisses and love. I only have one cat who doesn’t want to be touched – ever. April hates being petted or held. She cringes every time I reach to pet her. I don’t understand that because I’ve had her since the day she was born (April 2, 2009), and from the day she was born, I picked up her and her 4 litter mates at least once a day and I cuddled them. After they got big enough to climb out of the kitten box, I was still cuddling them all a lot. But when she got to be a couple months old, she started rejecting all attention. None of her litter mates are like that (Tigger is one of her brothers). I can’t understand why April is that way. I wonder if it had anything to do with their inattentive mother. She fed her kittens while they were nursing and took care of them but she spent very little time with them from the very start. Anyway, I’m happy all the others are attentive and loving. though, April’s other brother Felix can be very sassy – much like Chesney and he can get nasty like Lily. You don’t want to make Felix mad. There was another male kitten in this litter, but Oscar died of cancer very young (just before his 3rd birthday).

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    ladykat Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Good morning and a happy Monday to all my fellow Graham Crackers! I’m babysitting one of my neighbour’s two boys during March break, they are 8 and 6, should be fun!

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  5. Booboo
    bbear  about 7 years ago

    Monday’s BBEAR posts:

    Pictures: (5 of the 31 uploaded today)

    1. A cute kitten post: starting off the week with a positive attitude.




    2. If your kitty isn’t already purring, here is the not-so-secret location of his on switch.




    3. The world famous stink-eye.




    4. When your human means well, but either he’s stupid or hungover (or both).




    5. A catitude post: it’s Monday, keep your expectations lower.


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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Good morning Mudd and Gweedo.

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    daleandkristen  about 7 years ago

    GOOD Evening Gweedo and Mudd.

    Those ‘employees’ will work out just fine!

    Hey Lily!!!! Be sure the Kid has plenty of crayons, chalk and/or pencils this week as Graham needs additional time to recover from the time change.

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    tad1  about 7 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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