Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 29, 2018

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    willispate  almost 7 years ago

    a pearl-diving T-Rex? now iā€™ve seen everything!

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  2. D34yd011pr76kiehfi3m
    ikini Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    A playful T-Rex, erā€¦ Tess. What kid hasnā€™t wanted a dinosaur to follow them home?

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  3. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  almost 7 years ago

    By the way, has anyone seen Pearl?

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  4. Keaton
    fredd13  almost 7 years ago

    So ā€“ bouncing only comes third or worse?

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    brain Les  almost 7 years ago

    so it is a he (T-Rex) or a she (Tess)?

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    Painted Wolf  almost 7 years ago

    Hmmā€¦ on a technical pointā€¦ T-rexes being, you know, dinosaurs and therefore kinda-sorta reptilian, how can you tell what gender ā€˜Tessā€™ is? The vast majority of reptiles (simply donā€™t do sexual dimorphism. Itā€™s really hard to tell the boys from the girls just by looking at them, there being usually no visible body parts to indicate one way or the other. Yes, some male lizards have colorful dewflaps under their necks, but those are only inflated/erected/whatever under certain circumstances and just arenā€™t visible the rest of the time. For most reptiles, telling the difference involves getting up close and very, very, VERY personal, probably not something to be considered with a t-rex. Perhaps ā€˜Tessā€™ is a boy, and merely identifies as a girl. Whoā€™s going to dispute it, and how would the verify it without becoming lunch?

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    RoadTrip3500  almost 7 years ago

    Jill scares the bleep outta meā€¦

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  8. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Shouldnā€™t it be T-Regina?

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    JamesMcEnanly  almost 7 years ago

    From what paleontologists tell us, the females were bigger.

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    distracted  almost 7 years ago

    Donā€™t know but with the way things are going Iā€™m ready to ā€œturn on, tune in and drop outā€.

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    uniquename  almost 7 years ago

    So itā€™s the forest of niceness unless you happen to be an oyster.

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    Radish...   almost 7 years ago

    Dreams are like that.

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  13. Dr horrible pinkraygun
    cupertino jay  almost 7 years ago

    (tiny hands presidential gag goes here)

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    Drbarb71 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Is there a map to this place? It looks awesome. No guns, only joy and friendly dinosaurs to keep out booger-brains of any gender. Whatā€™s not to like?

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    Krystine McCants  almost 7 years ago

    Is it just me, or was that reference to pearl diving (in the no-boys-allowed forest) a subtle euphemism?

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  16. Californiaraisinicon1
    bluegirl285  almost 7 years ago

    Are we still sure this girl is not just a figment of Danaeā€™s messed-up imagination?

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