Leopold’s inner monster isn’t a monster. On the other hand, his outer monster keeps eating the neighbors.
I was expecting an “April Fool” from Leopold.
Huh. Maybe his parents rubbed off a little on Leopold after all. Go figure.
Isn’t it great how alcohol helps us see the best in anyone.
In vino veritas. Also, “damn martinis.” Leopold will make up for this kind remark ten-fold, I’m sure….
October 24, 2014
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 7 years ago
Leopold’s inner monster isn’t a monster. On the other hand, his outer monster keeps eating the neighbors.
Yakety Sax almost 7 years ago
I was expecting an “April Fool” from Leopold.
joegee almost 7 years ago
Huh. Maybe his parents rubbed off a little on Leopold after all. Go figure.
Andrew Sleeth almost 7 years ago
Isn’t it great how alcohol helps us see the best in anyone.
Sisyphos almost 7 years ago
In vino veritas. Also, “damn martinis.” Leopold will make up for this kind remark ten-fold, I’m sure….