Frank and Ernest by Thaves for December 18, 2010

  1. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  about 14 years ago

    Political Trees. The Democratic’s on the left and the Republican’s on the right. (Obviously)

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    The Duke 1  about 14 years ago

    Only in your severely twisted dreams!

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    magnamax  about 14 years ago

    OMG. The debate starts in the first two comments!

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  4. 654px red eyed tree frog   litoria chloris edit1
    Superfrog  about 14 years ago

    Where are the figs?

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    alviebird  about 14 years ago

    The tree on the right should be much larger.

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    magnamax  about 14 years ago

    Doctor tune: Is this something you’re working on? If so, can I send you some money?

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    Sky_Shachaq  about 14 years ago

    I’ll have one of each, please.

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    peter0423  about 14 years ago

    Doctor Toon, it’s serious, yes, but well-nigh universal. We all start out in infancy believing that whatever matters to us is of universal interest and cosmic importance. If we’re lucky, and pay attention, life gradually teaches us that nearly all of the things that matter deeply to us matter to us alone – and that everyone is in the same boat. From that starts to come wisdom, humility, and compassion.

    Sadly, a lot of people die of old age before they get that far.

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    peter0423  about 14 years ago

    Radish: You may have spent too much time reading really, really bad science fiction.

    Chikuku: The Book of Genesis can be read to indicate that before the Fall, or at least before the Flood, all creatures were vegetarian. Only after the Flood did God give Noah and his family all animals as their food. And the serpent in the Garden clearly could talk – it has more lines of dialog than Adam or Eve! :) None of this is, as such, much of a support for vegetarianism now, but I imagine that present-day vegetarians have better reasons anyway.

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  10. Small tower
    RadioTom  about 14 years ago

    If man is supposed to be vegetarian, then explain why I need red meat in a certain quantity each day; not want, not prefer, NEED - else I get a migraine that WILL NOT QUIT nor respond to any other therapy until I have consumed and digested said quantity of meat. Poultry will suffice, albeit at higher quantities; seafood takes more than poultry, but no amount of vegetable protein will keep the migraine at bay.

    8 oz precooked wt of beef, pork, deer, lamb, etc. 14 oz poultry 16 - 20 oz seafood (depends on if it’s fish or shellfish) 200 Tons vegetable (peanut, soy, you name it ) MIGHT be enough - but try eating 200 tons of food in one day…

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  11. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  about 14 years ago

    the universe, with the exception of a single insignificant example, consists entirely of others.

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  12. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  about 14 years ago

    thebird55 said, 1 good thought ago

    The tree on the right should be much larger.

    Unless it should be a forest, or better, a jungle.

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  13. Gsunset tiny
    Seeker149 Premium Member about 14 years ago

    These aren’t political trees, they’re a test of partisanship. If you understand that there’s nuance in every person’s opinion, you probably pick the tree on the left. But if you see every conflict as a case of ‘us’ vs. ‘them,’ you probably want all the uninformed bias you can get and thus eat regularly from the other tree.

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