Next, she’ll jump Pointy Rock Canyon…successfully!
All right! A love interest that isn’t packin’.
A redhead who is a better counterpart to the eponymous character than established female characters? Where have I heard that before?
I think Dan has a type.
Biker Barbie!
OUCH! She really got him!
March 06, 2017
March 16, 2017
danketaz Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Next, she’ll jump Pointy Rock Canyon…successfully!
Emptypockets51. almost 7 years ago
All right! A love interest that isn’t packin’.
StoicLion1973 almost 7 years ago
A redhead who is a better counterpart to the eponymous character than established female characters? Where have I heard that before?
I think Dan has a type.
RickB almost 7 years ago
Biker Barbie!
tad1 almost 7 years ago
OUCH! She really got him!