That’s the logic. You defeat your enemy by becoming him and then some. You think you can out-deprave ME? Ha! I’ll show you depravity you ain’t even dreamed of!
So true. Really makes you stop and think. In compromising what we stand for to fight the terrorists, we’re becoming more like them. No, we must not do this :(
“But…But…But…OUR Religious Based Theocracy is SO MUCH BETTER then THEIR Religious Based Theocracy since it’s based on OUR Big Book O’ Fables, and not THEIR Big Book O’ Fables!”
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Spooky… damned spooky.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 7 years ago
That’s the logic. You defeat your enemy by becoming him and then some. You think you can out-deprave ME? Ha! I’ll show you depravity you ain’t even dreamed of!
jrowell almost 7 years ago
So true. Really makes you stop and think. In compromising what we stand for to fight the terrorists, we’re becoming more like them. No, we must not do this :(
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Oh, those dastardly bitter clingers!
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 7 years ago
We have met the enemy and they is US! – POGO – Walt Kelly!
WaitingMan almost 7 years ago
Republican Philosophy: They hate us for our freedom. So, all we have to do is get rid of freedom and then everyone will love us.
Kip W almost 7 years ago
There are still some enemies out there! Quick, throw some more basic human rights overboard! That didn’t do it? Discard another principle!
kevin87031 almost 7 years ago
Go shopping!
Linguist almost 7 years ago
What is so disturbing, is that this strip was done in 2006, and is even truer today, under our current regime.
Larry Miller Premium Member almost 7 years ago
It’s Deja vu all over again!
Godfreydaniel almost 7 years ago
I’ve wondered more than once if Uncle Sam’s top hat is just too dern tight…..
braindead Premium Member almost 7 years ago
No Republicans commenting that Saddam did too have nucular weapons?
Masterskrain almost 7 years ago
“But…But…But…OUR Religious Based Theocracy is SO MUCH BETTER then THEIR Religious Based Theocracy since it’s based on OUR Big Book O’ Fables, and not THEIR Big Book O’ Fables!”