Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for April 19, 2018

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    LastRoseofSummer Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Egotistical, megalomaniac. That’s our Ches.

    You would think the other two watching would fall over laughing!

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    kd1sq Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Alpha Cat (continued)

    …rescuer of pregnant females and kittens, keeper of the peace and dispenser of justice in the animal part of the household, etc.)

    He displays the same set of habits, behavior, temperament and likes/dislikes as Bubby did – and Bubby had a very, very unusual set of characteristics.

    Now, this cat came to us with perfect household manners. Which is very nice except that we learnt that he was born a year or two before and grew up in a chicken coop – he was expected to perform vermin control for the coop owner. (People up here in this very isolated part of Maine are a little different to what you may know – animals are more in the line of property than pets and they treat them as such.) He escaped and made his way (directly, as far as we can tell) to our house – which is one of a small number standing on a side street and is not either the first or last house on the street. He didn’t stop anywhere else on the way.

    So, a cat that is perfectly socialized (even though he had a more or less feral upbringing in a chicken coop) that chooses our house out of all the ones he could have selected, settles in immediately and just coincidentally happens to display all the same unusual characteristics that Bubby had. Happens all the time, right?

    It’s not that surprising that, as time went on, we developed a sneaking suspicion that there really is something to this incarnation stuff. If ever there was a creature of strong will and determination that could choose to come back and continue with unfinished business, Bubby would be a prime example of it.

    This is why he is known as The Cat Who Came Back.

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    ladykat Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Good morning and a happy Thursday (Purrsday?) to all my fellow Graham Crackers! Special hellos to Mudd and Gweedo.

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    jessegooddog  almost 7 years ago

    Got to love Chesney!! Even Craig, who has never cared much for cats, gets a big kick out of him. Today was going to be moving day for Orange, Blue and Barney, but we have quite a windstorm and some chance of rain so I may wait a day. We tore down their outdoor enclosure at my old house yesterday and finished the new one at Craig’s and the kitty bungalow is unpacked and ready. I will bring over Barney first to establish it as his territory and hopefully the other two will get along with him better. I have seen the dynamics change for the better with other cats when I have moved in the past.

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  5. Booboo
    bbear  almost 7 years ago

    Thursday’s BBEAR posts:

    Pictures: (5 of the 15 uploaded today)

    1. This is always a good motto to have (even for little children).




    2. A Throwback Thursday post: somehow the bird was able to pick the culprit out of a lineup.




    3. A Throwback Thursday encore: naming these littermates required little imagination.




    4. A cute kittens post: these kittens say that they can be trusted to behave. Surrree.




    5. Mama cat seems to be about one inch from the end of her rope.


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  6. Lighthouse
    mountaingreenery.  almost 7 years ago

    Chesney Narcissus Puddifoot.

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  7. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Good thing Annie loves you, Chesney. However, you may be “stretching it” little man! :-)

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    kd1sq Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Alpha Cat – to be continued – shared characteristics coming up tomorrow.

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  9. Jettink
    Neal Janzen Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Glad to see everyone is still around. My wife and I continue to rescue, trap, neuter and release and do the best we can with feral colonies located all over our town. It’s and endless and thankless task. Just yesterday someone left a small box, all taped up with 4 kittens inside. Malnourished and with the worse flea infestation one can imagine. A foster has them, got them bathed and fed. They are very weak..hope they make it. Got to be a special place in hell for people who abuse cats/kittens. I would like to do more, but a heart condition is keeping me down some. Glad to see everyone…been awhile.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    This constant bashing of Annie is taking on water, fast. It’s unoriginal and just not funny.

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    jessegooddog  almost 7 years ago

    The kitties got moved today, Barney was cool about it but the other 2 are still hiding. The 4 block car ride was not a happy time.

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    tad1  almost 7 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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