Aunty Acid by Ged Backland for June 01, 2018

  1. Missing large
    talentwillout  over 6 years ago

    Aunty I was going to say ā€˜You were young yourself onceā€™ But Iā€™m not all that sure you ever were :)

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  2. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  over 6 years ago

    Story I heard:

    There was this guy who would play music a bit too loud for others in the apartment block. One evening, he returned home from work to find his apartment door ajar. On checking around, he did not find anything stolen, so he thought the thief must have got scared off before taking anything. Satisfied, he decided to put a record album on the turntable- and discovered the tone arm in the shape of a pretzel. He got the message.

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  3. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  over 6 years ago

    Oh yeah- another one: the first house we bought had young renters in the house next door. Every few months, they would have a party, get all drunk & toked up, play loud music and yell & scream out in the street at 3:00am. The police seemed not to be able to do anything about it.

    Finally, one weekend, after being awoken at 3:00am on a Sunday, I got up at 7:00am, took the muffler off my lawnmower, put it on full choke and left it backfiring between the houses for 1/2 hour. Never heard from them again.

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    jbutler94  over 6 years ago

    As long as you end it with ā€œhave a nice dayā€ then youā€™re still a good person!

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    Rayofrainclouds  over 6 years ago

    I prefer not to talk to my neighbours at all really

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    Troglodyte  over 6 years ago

    Aunty, Iā€™m sure weā€™ve all had the occasional slip of the tongue like you! ;)

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  7. Marvin
    Marvin Premium Member over 6 years ago

    We can stop worrying. Aunty has reverted to form.

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    joefearsnothing  over 6 years ago

    Basically the same!

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  9. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 6 years ago

    I just growl at ā€™em and they run away.

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  10. Ruke toe
    miscreant  over 6 years ago

    Iā€™m still trying to figure out how to make a personal short wave uni-directional EMP. I want to make so that I can adjust the bandwidth and length to permanently knock out said radio in a particular house moving car or pesky mobile phone or a person that thinks that talking at full volume is that only volume

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  11. Bearfront
    paranormal  over 6 years ago

    Aunty, just wait one hour after the neighbor has gone to bed and then play Ride of the Valkyries at full volume!

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    Charlie Tuba  over 6 years ago

    Iā€™ll be sure to put my mute in my tuba next time.

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  13. Missing large
    debtreasure  over 6 years ago

    Why didnā€™t you just join the party Aunty? I thought you were a party animal.

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