Bloom County 2019 by Berkeley Breathed for April 27, 2018

  1. Airbender
    Airbender  almost 7 years ago

    Yup, sounds like our White House. Redact, redact and classify secret.

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  2. Gustave courbet   le d sesp r
    mabrndt  almost 7 years ago

    I can sort of make out the REDACTED in the earlier red-in-black panels, but haven’t a clue what the red-in-black final panel says. Any help would be appreciated.

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  3. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 7 years ago

    Good to see REDACTED get bashed.

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  4. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    The only thing I would like to see redacted is the tangerine tantrum.

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  5. Felipe
    Strod  almost 7 years ago

    Some readers may like to know that there is a new strip for April 26 that wasn’t there yesterday.

    Less than 24 hour ago the latest Bloom County strip in this site was the one for April 25. Today (the 28th) I find that in the meantime two strips have been published: the one above (for April 27) and another one for the previous day (April 26).

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  6. Missing large
    h.v.greenman  almost 7 years ago

    Of course let’s all ignore the fact that has been the White House policy since April 30, 1789 when George Washington first took the oath of office as POTUS

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  7. Missing large
    kimodb Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    This explains a lot. Poor Bill the Cat.

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  8. Apple henson
    JayeR  almost 7 years ago

    This seems reminiscent of the Zaphod Beeblebrox presidency

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  9. Kootavatar
    Lawrence Davis Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    A pity Mr. Breathed couldn’t convince himself to come back with his “Let’s take a moment to honor the one unique aspect of our system that has kept the White House free of con men” attitude when Obama was in there. But, then again, cartoonist rarely have anything to do with reality…

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