Wiz can be cold
“By the sewer he lived,
By the sewer he died.
His death wasn’t murder,
It was sewer-side.”
A little flash flood will answer his question!
You don’t buy alcohol, you rent it.
My friend kapuchino lived by the sewer,
And by the sewer she died.
And when the coroner gave his verdict,
He called it sewer-side.
And you can’t even count on your friends for company:
Parker and Hart
Mastroianni and Hart
sandpiper almost 7 years ago
Wiz can be cold
Kaputnik almost 7 years ago
“By the sewer he lived,
By the sewer he died.
His death wasn’t murder,
It was sewer-side.”
joefearsnothing almost 7 years ago
A little flash flood will answer his question!
Radish... almost 7 years ago
You don’t buy alcohol, you rent it.
CashewJim almost 7 years ago
My friend kapuchino lived by the sewer,
And by the sewer she died.
And when the coroner gave his verdict,
He called it sewer-side.
Ed Brault Premium Member almost 7 years ago
And you can’t even count on your friends for company: