The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for June 09, 2018

  1. Brutus 2 copy b jpg
    rush.diana  over 6 years ago

    Absolutely true. There are just too many idiots stuck on their phones. They dont even pay attention to their kids

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    M2MM  over 6 years ago

    I saw a 2 or 3 year old being pushed on one of those trike/buggies and the child kept looking behind at dad with a scowl on his face. His dad was glued to his stupid phone. There will be some kind of backlash over this, I am sure.

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  3. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  over 6 years ago

    At the mall, I watched a guy on a phone, pushing his kid in a stroller- right out into the path of an SUV, who had to jam on the brakes. And guess what? He then swore at the driver!

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  4. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  over 6 years ago

    I hope someone broke out the window to get the dog out.

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  5. Bits2
    Diat60  over 6 years ago

    When I’m outside, I use my cell only for phone calls, generally to call a taxi to get me home with groceries, etc. I’m curious just what do people do when they’re constantly staring at their phones. Surely there can’t be that many texts to answer. So I have to assume that they’re reading tweets or news or playing games, none of which they should be doing while walking on busy streets.

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  6. Missing large
    the lost wizard  over 6 years ago

    The only thing helpful might be an automatic alert programmed into their phones such as “You have a pet/child in your vehicle idiot”. Should keep repeating and block all other apps.

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  7. Pa231400
    Yakety Sax  over 6 years ago

    ‘Duty of Care – Under the Animal Welfare Act, you have a legal duty to care for your animals and if you put them at risk you could face prosecution. You would also have to live with the fact that your thoughtless action resulted in terrible suffering to your pet.’

    If you want to build your own:

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  8. Global warming
    Maizing  over 6 years ago

    I don’t understand why anyone would take a dog with them if they are going to spend a long time in a mall where they can’t bring the dog. Back when I was able to take proper care of a dog, I only took my dog with me if I was doing stuff with my dog. I would never take my dog with me if I was going do any shopping.

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    PO' DAWG  over 6 years ago

    Children or pets left in a car and the answer is" I forgot they where there" should be beaten unmercifully on the spot. If for only giving a stupid answer.

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  10. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  over 6 years ago

    That’s a little mind beagle-ing.

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  11. Rick o shay
    wiatr  over 6 years ago

    Has anyone else noted the text in the second panel? As written, it sounds as if the owner was rescued.

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  12. Bloodstokehowler
    grenjello  over 6 years ago

    A person that would do that should be locked in a hot box to see how it feels.

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  13. Shilo s first year 002  2
    MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT  over 6 years ago

    We have a border Collie called Shilo and as a rule we never take him in the car between the end of April and the end of September unless we are going to the beach or the woods where he will soon be getting out and running around in the water. Not even to the local supermarket 2 miles down the road. It’s basic common sense. If we find it too warm just think how hot it is for a dog with a fur coat. And no, leaving a window open doesn’t help much. In your house your dog will always find a cool spot to lie down and sleep while you’re away so leave him at home where he will be much better off. It’s all part of caring for the dog you love and who loves you.

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  14. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Yes REALLY! She should have been, well I won’t go there! I’d probably get banned by the “Powers”, even if most of them would agree with me!

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