Frog Applause by Teresa Burritt for December 16, 2010

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 14 years ago

    Amen to that.

     •  Reply
  2. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that business about testing to see if a mirror is a two-way mirror is, according to Snopes, false:

    I found the text just as irksome as Teresa did, and everything about it screamed to me, “Probably something that’s already been debunked by Snopes.”

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  over 14 years ago

    Thanks for checking that out, Flight Suit.

     •  Reply
  4. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  over 14 years ago

    I couldn’t resist, Marguerite. I can smell that e-mail-forwarded-myth smell from a mile away, and it always gets my dander up.

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  5. Zippy56995996595959995956959599956956599569511111122222333333
    Hugh B. Hayve  about 14 years ago

    I believe in a thing called love.

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  6. Native hemp co 10 678x1024
    *Space Madness at The Station*  about 14 years ago

    And the light slowly fades away….. and the crowd goes crazy….

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  7. Hfly
    J.BenjaminDalton  about 14 years ago

    The problem is no matter how dark you are; there is always someone darker. Sometimes that makes me sleep under the bed with the puppy. ;)

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  8. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  about 14 years ago

    So Sherlock Hawkshaw certifies dicks? Excuse me?

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  9. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  about 14 years ago

    Rule 101: You haven’t seen the worst thing in the world.

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  10. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  about 14 years ago

    Re: transparent mirrors, Snopes concedes there is some truth to the basic concept, with limitations:

    “if you discover what appears to be a first-surface mirror (i.e., an object you place up against its touches its reflection) in a dressing room, the chances are good it’s a transparent mirror. However, the fingernail test isn’t necessarily a very good one”

    @Flight Suit: Agreed, certain things are almost immediately recognizable as bunk. “Send this to everyone on your list” is a dead giveaway…

     •  Reply
  11. Bc14b
    D-i-c-e-R  about 14 years ago

    “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord”…that’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown

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  12. Hfly
    J.BenjaminDalton  about 14 years ago

    Two-way mirrors are a thing of the past anyway. A cam can be hidden anywhere! But Mr. Fargo just needs to keep his curtains closed. ;)

     •  Reply
  13. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 14 years ago

    did you know that if you are shopping for clothes at the Gap, and you stuck your fingers on the mirrors you will leave fingerprints?

    now, debunk that!

     •  Reply
  14. Satyr d
    ottod Premium Member about 14 years ago

    There are also places where ordinary mirrors would be subject to vandalism (some public restrooms, restrooms in highway rest stops, etc.) that use a polished metal surface as a mirror. These are front surface mirrors, often mounted directly into the wall, but generally distinguishable by the poor quality.

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  15. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 14 years ago

    I found a red eared slider in my basement the other day and fed it to my orange tongued popper snapper. good thing , too, he was starting to look at me in a hungry manner

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  16. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 14 years ago

    hey, don’t bogart that joint, my friend… pass it over……

    to me

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  17. Fritz3b
    Fred Kuechenmeister  about 14 years ago

    Re blog: “Thought of You”…. thanks

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  18. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  about 14 years ago

    It is always darkest before I’m gone.

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  19. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  about 14 years ago

    Yes, and it is much easier to see the starlight that way.

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  20. Gabeybaby
    gabrielmcgrath  about 14 years ago

    I love Frog Applause.


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  21. Missing large
    MajorPlowshares  about 14 years ago

    And eventually finding forgiveness, too.

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  22. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  about 14 years ago

    a bit nippy on the blog today.

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  23. Emerald
    margueritem  about 14 years ago

    RE: 20th anniversary - will there be cake? I like chocolate.

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  24. Medical logo red white
    SumoSasquatch (aka a boy named Su)  about 14 years ago

    I think you misread the blog. It’s a 4 year anniversary on the 20th.

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  25. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  about 14 years ago

    Gabriel, love the pics, knew it was you instantly.

    T, White Christmas isn’t working, or maybe it is just me.

    For Four Countdown:

    So much for happy endings

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  26. Pic 966310001189349890
    plight  about 14 years ago

    I am a roaring wave of smoke and flame A living hell where embers fall like rain I am the blaze of darkest destiny And there’s no stopping me Unleash me

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