Kliban by B. Kliban for September 19, 2018

  1. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  over 6 years ago

    It was six men of Indostan,

    To learning much inclined

    Who went to see the Elephant

    (Though all of them were blind),

    That each by observation

    Might satisfy his mind.

    (If you look up the rest of the poem by John Godfrey Saxe, make sure you find a version that includes the final verse explaining that it’s an allegory for theological debates.)

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  2. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  over 6 years ago

    Trying out a dip pen. Maybe a crow quill?

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  3. Logo221
    cooganm Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Exactly like a dream I had recently, except I was naked.

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  4. Great view up here
    comixbomix  over 6 years ago

    You can pick your cheese, and you can pick your moose, but you can’t…oh, never mind.

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  5. Gibapple
    Glibster Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Moose nostrils remind me of Swiss cheese too. It’s an easy mistake that anyone could make.

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  6. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 6 years ago

    This portion of his initiation, into the Loyal Order of Moose, did not go well for Lloyd.

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  7. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  over 6 years ago

    Apparently, the moose had smelled cheese shortly before it died.

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