I was a bit of a Susie. In class, we received a puzzle with squares and since I was good at that all the people around me asked the answer. I gave the wrong answer so I could give the right answer out loud. The teacher saw it and got a giggle out of it.
She.. should have played along and asked him what his answer is / was.. Then just agreed or not.. but not give him her answers.. make him squirm a bit.
Well, at LEAST susie knew what he was trying to do! I mean I would just say the wrong answer-OR I would be like Calvin and and not have the assignment done!
CrazyPri over 6 years ago
Excellent, now for question three
The Calvinosaurus That Calvin Wanted To Discover over 6 years ago
Question 2 must have been “What is something you should not say to a friend?”
bluram over 6 years ago
Does anyone ever wonder why Calvin never made it to the second grade?
VincentGoudreault over 6 years ago
Calvin is left handed?
alaskajohn1 over 6 years ago
Susie learns quickly but not that quickly; her first answer should have been NO!
BE THIS GUY over 6 years ago
As time passes, Susie will be less gullible:
codycab over 6 years ago
Proof that Calvin actually is a genius.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 6 years ago
You gotta be smoother than that, Cal. Jump around a little on the questions. Pick out the hard ones.
stefaanv over 6 years ago
I was a bit of a Susie. In class, we received a puzzle with squares and since I was good at that all the people around me asked the answer. I gave the wrong answer so I could give the right answer out loud. The teacher saw it and got a giggle out of it.
Barry1941 over 6 years ago
Perhaps Calvin is ambidextrous.
jpayne4040 over 6 years ago
You’ve got to up your game, Calvin. She saw through that one too easily!
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 6 years ago
I once copied the guy’s homework next to me, even the NAME! I didn’t do well in school.
gantech over 6 years ago
And she didn’t see that coming right from question 1?
Alberta Oil over 6 years ago
She.. should have played along and asked him what his answer is / was.. Then just agreed or not.. but not give him her answers.. make him squirm a bit.
kab2rb over 6 years ago
Susie should give the wrong answer to each question.
DCBakerEsq over 6 years ago
Educashion is ovverrated.
anomaly over 6 years ago
The answer to question two is “mongoose.”
Patlet over 6 years ago
I love BW’s little details like how Calvin is left-handed.
Moon57Shine over 6 years ago
Nice try, Calvin.
Charles Hoeft over 6 years ago
Usually Susie catches on to Calvin’s schemes a lot quicker.
Lito Burrito over 6 years ago
Well, at LEAST susie knew what he was trying to do! I mean I would just say the wrong answer-OR I would be like Calvin and and not have the assignment done!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
When he tries this again she gets him another way.
davetb1956 over 6 years ago
Now all’s Calvin has to do is figure out how Drop Dead is expressed as a number.
markmoss1 over 6 years ago
“OK, D-r-o-p d-e-d C-a. Hey!”