Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for February 04, 2019

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    Magnate  about 6 years ago


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    Willywise52 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Not that bad a life,tho,imo.

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  3. Hannah
    don.fitzsimons  about 6 years ago

    Nice art. I kept returning to imagine more about the story.

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  4. Hobbes
    MDMom  about 6 years ago

    . . . This is my sister, who passed away last week! May she rest in peace. :’(

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    ddddeb Premium Member about 6 years ago

    So that’s depressing.

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    garcalej  about 6 years ago

    Red beard is living his dream. If she don’t share in that, that’s really on her. Sometimes happiness just means learning to be content with what you got, not pining after that which you didn’t get or which you chose not to got after.

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    InquireWithin  about 6 years ago

    Tough choices. It takes money to do all those things you want to do and go all those places you’ve dreamed about. But unless you’re born rich, you’ll trade for that with your time. Time and money – some of us never find the balance.

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    Chrystos B Minot Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Poignant. Beautiful. Sad. Ambiguous. And not glossed over — as we know, sometimes the dream turns out to be a slog. No, she isn’t going to be an astronaut - but maybe she will hike some wonderful adventure hikes (with or without) Joe! (If they’re smart!) They are still so young. Maybe she’ll take guitar lessons & start performing at open mike nights. If Joe there is a selfish dickhead (and he does seem like one), and doesn’t let her start to pursue her own dreams, as well, she has to make a call— is this life with him worth it, or should she cut him loose? We don’t know: what is life like for them (for HER too) outside of working the Cafe? Is there laughter (doesn’t seem like it) ? Is there music (don’t see any) ? Is there rewarding sex (no data.) ? We don’t know but it’s pretty grim lookin. It’s a challenge being self employed (I know this, as does my wife!) Maybe it’s worth it, having a partner & not being alone. That’s the beauty of this strip, the ambiguity of that hand grasp (in the last panel) - we know the price she has paid but not (all of) the rewards…. So yea, really sad but I think not without hope. Life does not end at 40 (contrary to what many 34 year olds may think). Thanks again, Gavin! Carpe Diem!

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    gammaguy  about 6 years ago

    This strip isn’t me.

    I pity those for whom it’s true.

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    bscruffy  about 6 years ago

    If you march to your own drumbeat then you gotta be willing to march alone. If you march in love with another you have to match your step to theirs. With either choice, there’s joy and fulfillment coupled with some regret. This leads to a second choice: choosing to over-ride the regret with renewed commitment. Nice work Gavin!

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