Many times we have said: Rabbit Stew. BUT, invite some bunnies over to enjoy the repast. Coup de Etat or something like that. How about Thanksgiving. We are waiting…and waiting…..and waiting…..and waiting……………………
My husband tried growing some herbs… mint, cilantro and basil. The cilantro was nibbled all the way to the ground. The one thing my husband really likes is cilantro on his tacos and quesadillas.
He tried one more time and those bunnies ate the cilantro to the ground again. They left the mint and basil alone. My husband gave up and we buy it from the store.
So now I guess we are stuck with tea and italian food. No Taco Tuesday. :(
Strob about 6 years ago
Fake news!
amethyst52 Premium Member about 6 years ago
“That’s what you heard, that’s not what I said.” We filter out what we don’t want to hear.
Pet about 6 years ago
Poor Charley, I understand. Somebunny has been nibbling my asparagus. I wonder if it the same Somebunny! :)
AtariDragon about 6 years ago
More accurately, they have helped keep a lame gag running well past its expiration date.
capkidd about 6 years ago
Many times we have said: Rabbit Stew. BUT, invite some bunnies over to enjoy the repast. Coup de Etat or something like that. How about Thanksgiving. We are waiting…and waiting…..and waiting…..and waiting……………………
johovey about 6 years ago
My husband tried growing some herbs… mint, cilantro and basil. The cilantro was nibbled all the way to the ground. The one thing my husband really likes is cilantro on his tacos and quesadillas.
He tried one more time and those bunnies ate the cilantro to the ground again. They left the mint and basil alone. My husband gave up and we buy it from the store.
So now I guess we are stuck with tea and italian food. No Taco Tuesday. :(
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 6 years ago
Good afternoon Crew!
Chris Sherlock about 6 years ago
Charley has a point about the rabbit making things up. After all, the rabbit took liberties with quoting Charley’s remark in Panel 3.
rgcviper about 6 years ago
Ah-ha! The truth comes out! [smile]
Good Evening, Crew.