Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for October 20, 2018

  1. Animal and his marbles
    debra4life  over 6 years ago

    That is so wickedly cute!

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    jagedlo  over 6 years ago

    They’ve got to be super-strong to lift those pumpkins!

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    tcayer  over 6 years ago

    Actually, I once saw a show about squirrels defeating devices to prevent them from getting into bird feeders. They kept adding more and more things and the squirrels would team up to bypass them.

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    heathcliff2  over 6 years ago
    I know squirrels can clear a huge fruit tree in minutes. Only one of the trees was close to the house. I saw the fruit was ready, went for buckets and baskets. On return the fruit was gone. Found it in a storage building. Discovered somehow squirrels moved fruit into a tightly sealed storage building. Tree was wide and over 20’ high. I learned to be ready on the spot because the squirrels were watching me and the fruit. I suppose to them the old rule applies, first come first serve.
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    oakie817  over 6 years ago

    why am I thinking moe larry curly shemp

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    Mstreselena  over 6 years ago

    I have no problems with squirrels eating my pumpkins, slowly starving is too cruel and they need to be healthy to either escape or feed the red-tailed hawks.

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  7. Toughcat
    bakana  over 6 years ago

    And the reason people Waste those things as Jack-O-Lanterns, is because they are practically Inedible.

    The large ones like that make Horrible Pies.

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    rcoaster  over 6 years ago

    Don’t want to eat them when they’re fermented!

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