All the snacks you can eat and they come to your door!
Maybe it refers to the fact that some candy is made with gelatin that comes from factory animals?
Interesting calendar; it puts Wednesday at the end of the week.
Lucky ghost.
Artistic license with the calendar! Eight days from the 12th to 20th, five days from 20th to the 25th and six days from 25th to the 31st.
I wonder if Owen is afraid of ghosts?
It’s MY favorite time of the year… costumes, candy, fun. Christmas time has gotten too heavy with commercialism and family responsibility.
Leopold is such a cut-up! He will be the [life] death of the Fest!
October 24, 2014
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 6 years ago
All the snacks you can eat and they come to your door!
Jeremy--- over 6 years ago
Maybe it refers to the fact that some candy is made with gelatin that comes from factory animals?
scpandich over 6 years ago
Interesting calendar; it puts Wednesday at the end of the week.
Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member over 6 years ago
Lucky ghost.
Lantern Premium Member over 6 years ago
Artistic license with the calendar! Eight days from the 12th to 20th, five days from 20th to the 25th and six days from 25th to the 31st.
6turtle9 over 6 years ago
I wonder if Owen is afraid of ghosts?
chromosome Premium Member over 6 years ago
It’s MY favorite time of the year… costumes, candy, fun. Christmas time has gotten too heavy with commercialism and family responsibility.
Sisyphos over 6 years ago
Leopold is such a cut-up! He will be the [life] death of the Fest!