Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for October 17, 2018

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    laughingkitty  over 6 years ago

    Ooooo! I could hardly wait until midnight for this strip to update. Largely because I’m engrossed in the strip and I want to see what or who this little green bugger is. But also because I was so excited about sharing some marvelous news with all of you. I’m sure you remember when I posted a while back about how some friends of mine lost their 2 calico cats, Moose and Shelby while they were moving from CT to SD. I was afraid all along that I would never have any updates for you, but I have the best of all possible news. The cats have been found and they are safe! It turns out they never left the motel room. My friends had searched every inch of the room, under the bed and everything, but no sign of the cats, so they assumed they got out that open window. I wonder if the cats managed to get inside the box springs or another piece of furniture. Anyway, the cats are safe at a shelter and my friends will be going back to Davenport on Thursday to get their cats! Yippee!!!

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    DennisinSeattle  over 6 years ago

    Mmm. Numero dos, maybe. This alien is a tricky little guy with strange powers. Wouldn’t you love to be able to do that? When someone is shouting in your face, turn them into a mouse, or a chicken, or a goat!

    What Chesney is now, I don’t know. Einstein?

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    x_Tech  over 6 years ago

    Chesney quacks me up.

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    LastRoseofSummer Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I am not going to miss any of this arc! I can hardly wait til tomorrow!

    We saw the Dr. today and I must say I stated my case strongly. Surprise, he Dr. agreed with me, Dale might be allergic to the Chemo pill! Anyway he is off it while he has radiation, and he got two anti nausea medicines to take after the Zofran and he is going to get IV hydration the next three days! YAY! He is in great spirits tonite!

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    More_Cats_Than_Sense  over 6 years ago

    Hi gang, not going to chase the strip today as today is the third anniversary of the loss of one of my sisters to cancer. She was a cat magnet for strays, and most of her cats arrived on her doorstep. One of them was brought home by another former stray.

    So I’m going to post some photos of the cats she saved:

    I’ll start with Socket, named for the obvious reason, and had had a rough time as a stray:


    Next we have Ginge, who had also had had a rough life on the streets:


    Next is Rommie a Ragdoll who she rehomed from the same place I got nine of my cats from.


    All the above are also at rest, so I’ll end with the three that are still with us:

    Squibbs (on the left) was brought to my sisters door by Monty (on the right) who had found him living rough. Monty is also a former stray:


    And lastly we have Trix who is the youngster of the three, and quite a character :-)


    She saved several others (at least ten), but I ended up with them!!

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    ladykat Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Good morning and happy Wednesday/Hump Day, Graham Crackers. I have no special news today. The fireplace came on for the first time this year, and Yum Yum is snuggling with Paul. I wish all of you a nice, peaceful day.

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    apolloz666  over 6 years ago

    hmmm…I seem to remember Daffy Duck having a fight with his animator and being turned into an assortment of things. I wonder if Graham has decided to have some fun with Chesney? =]

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Not any more.

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    Popcorn   over 6 years ago

    What the what!? Where does he get those powers! Maybe he can transform the warehouse into house beautiful!

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  10. Booboo
    bbear  over 6 years ago

    Today’s BBEAR posts:

    1. A cat in a box post: with the right box you are ready to go to war.


    2. It’s black cat time of year. Cherish your black cat.


    3. When kitty needs some privacy and you don’t want to know.


    4. I’m still normal it’s all those other weirdos that don’t have 5 cats who are the crazy ones :-)


    5. Something strange is going on here.


    6. Success: getting the kitty to leave you and your real computer alone.


    7. A Humpday cute kitten post: after a day of creative mischief-making, this kitten is ready for one of his naps.


    8. A Humpday cute kitten post: these kittens just heard a scary story - or did they?


    9. Introducing James Claw – 009, secret agent.


    10. Kitty “points out” that he can do what doggies do and do it better!


    11. When the fishie tells a tall tale to the kitty to save his life.


    12. Ah looking back and remembering when you could look into a mirror without shuddering.


    13. A cat in a box post: sometimes it’s not safe for a cat to sleep in a box.


    14. A Humpday catitude post: life is simple for this kitten, he hates everybody.


    28 pictures were posted to Ten Cats Fan Club this morning

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    SheMc  over 6 years ago

    Ooooohhh noooo!

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  12. Chai
    Perkycat  over 6 years ago

    I always love when Chesney gets his come-uppance.

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    kd1sq Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The adventures of Alpha Cat…

    …continue!A number of weeks ago a mysterious hole appeared under our porch. Something with a lot of strength had pulled the plastic trellis to one side and had dug a tunnel under the house. Neither my wife nor I were going to go into our basement to see if it had made it in there (our basement is a dug horror from Hell!)

    Few days later I smell skunk faintly. Consult the wife (who has a inhumanly good sense of smell,) she concurs.

    Anon, Alpha Cat (who had been watching the hole on an almost continuous basis) shows up with swollen eyes and smelling (not too strongly) of skunk. He’s severely p.o.’ed.

    He’s back on post, watching, in no time. It’s very personal now.

    Day or two later the wife calls me at work – the skunk is no more. She says the skunk came out from under the porch, Alpha Cat immediately fastened onto the back of its neck. They rolled across the flower bed, Alpha Cat switched his grip to the throat of the skunk and it was all over within a minute or two. The skunk probably outweighed him by ten pounds or so but Chuck Norris ain’t a big guy, either.

    Alpha Cat has avenged the mortal insult he received.

    But wait, there’s more…

    …five or six days go by, Pat (the wife) opens the kitchen door….

    ..Alpha Cat is out there by the food bowl with four baby skunks that he’s gently patting in the direction of the bowl.

    Yup, it seems his remit to protect the weak and befriend the friendless extends across the species barrier. Having killed the mother (who refused to submit and thereby come under his protection – as he has done with many cats and some dogs) he is now taking an interest in the baby skunks and is assisting with food and protection.

    We’ve seen him leaving food and fresh kills by the porch and the food has been disappearing promptly. This has been going on for over a month now.


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    kd1sq Premium Member over 6 years ago


    It’s a dilemma for us – we can’t trap the skunks because Alpha Cat knows what traps are and hates them with a passion – whenever he encounters a Hav-A-Hart he’ll bounce up and down on top of it until it triggers. Then, for good measure, if it’s on a porch, he’ll push the trap off the porch. Trapping them is out of the question. On the other hand, we have no way of familiarizing the skunks with us so that we don’t get sprayed some time in the future.

    I guess at some point we’re probably going to be seeing the cat tribe (being led by Alpha Cat) parading across the road with four additional, honorary, cat tribe members mixed in there.

    It’s going to be interesting to see how this pans out…

    (Alpha Cat is the most unusual person we’ve ever met – we hesitate to call him a cat because he is far, far more than any other cat (and people) we have ever encountered. He has already managed to 95% convince us that reincarnation is a fact because of who he is, how he behaves and how he chose to live with us. I think the phrase is “preternatural intelligence?”)

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  15. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 6 years ago

    You were saying, Chesney? One of these days, that sweet little man will learn to keep his little mouth shut. Or not! :-D

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    HarryCK  over 6 years ago

    Whisperlicka texted earlier from Tennessee where they are en route to Georgia for a Grandkid wedding.

    She was notified of the found “motel cats”. No answer yet.

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    tad1  over 6 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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    tad1  over 6 years ago

    Well, isn’t that just ducky?

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