This can’t end well
Isn’t this the point in a Popeye cartoon when the band starts into that about to down the can of spinach music?
Oh dear, a reckoning has arrived.
She’s about to bust a move
Anvil Number Two arriving in 5, 4, 3, …
She has “Anvil #1” tattooed on one set of knuckles and “Anvil #2” on the other.
Paige Braddock and Jason McNamara
February 28, 2014
Finbar Gurdy Premium Member over 4 years ago
This can’t end well
MeGoNow Premium Member over 4 years ago
Isn’t this the point in a Popeye cartoon when the band starts into that about to down the can of spinach music?
willie_mctell over 4 years ago
Oh dear, a reckoning has arrived.
alexius23 over 4 years ago
She’s about to bust a move
bakana over 4 years ago
Anvil Number Two arriving in 5, 4, 3, …
She has “Anvil #1” tattooed on one set of knuckles and “Anvil #2” on the other.