Which is why it’s important for the adults in a child’s life to reassure them that they are loved and safe. No, we can’t keep children absolutely safe under all circumstances, but it’s also irresponsible to expose them to adult concepts and worries too soon. They’re going to grow up anyway. Let them be kids for a while.
A world in which one could say, ‘It is a sad world in which your best friend is a unicorn’ would be… rather less sad than the one in which we are living right now.One does wonder if there’s a world like that within reach.
Parents generally don’t want their children to see what is going on in the world that is ugly and meaningless. I watched the news avidly at that age. But then I wasn’t like Phoebe.
Averagemoe about 6 years ago
The worst kind of happy world is when your worst enemy is a unicorn. Seriously, you don’t want them to hate you.
Templo S.U.D. about 6 years ago
happiness is a unicorn best friend… I guess
Enter.Name.Here about 6 years ago
It would be a lot less sadder if we all had unicorns….or at least best friends.
codycab about 6 years ago
I’m sad cuz I can’t physically join in on that hug.
asrialfeeple about 6 years ago
It is a sad world, so make or get happiness where you can.
tripwire45 about 6 years ago
Which is why it’s important for the adults in a child’s life to reassure them that they are loved and safe. No, we can’t keep children absolutely safe under all circumstances, but it’s also irresponsible to expose them to adult concepts and worries too soon. They’re going to grow up anyway. Let them be kids for a while.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 6 years ago
It’s an ugly world. And the ugly just keeps oozing out.
Neo Stryder about 6 years ago
Is not a sad world, is a mad world
Jeffin Premium Member about 6 years ago
Hug your friends, the world will be less ugly for a while.
eladee AKA Wally about 6 years ago
Awww….hug it out Gals! Marigold always knows just what to say.
imjustlurking about 6 years ago
I love how Dana moves Marigold’s ears back and forth to reflect her feelings.
amaneaux about 6 years ago
Yes, the world is a crazy, depressing place. Luckily we have unicorns and Phoebes to help cheer us up.
L Ron Pony about 6 years ago
A world in which one could say, ‘It is a sad world in which your best friend is a unicorn’ would be… rather less sad than the one in which we are living right now.One does wonder if there’s a world like that within reach.
mdmp22 about 6 years ago
I wish my best friend was a unicorn. Come to think of it I wish I had a best friend. And now that I mention it, any friends
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
Parents generally don’t want their children to see what is going on in the world that is ugly and meaningless. I watched the news avidly at that age. But then I wasn’t like Phoebe.
SociallyAwkwardDashite over 4 years ago
This hits very close to home nowadays.
Josequeen almost 4 years ago
Shouldn’t that bubble in panel 2 be on Mari?
jerrica.benton333 over 1 year ago
sick sad world
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 8 months ago
This is exactly why I don’t follow any mainstream news! :(