I can’t speak to its veracity… but AFAIK Mr. Merritt’s clever limerick actually goes….
“A wonderful bird is the pelican,
His bill will hold more than his belican,
He can take in his beak
Enough food for a week
But I’m damned if I see how the Helican!"
I’m impressed that the pelican can support its own weight.
Silly fellow doesn’t even know what a pelican looks like.
That bird is not a pelican.
I love how the pelican so blithely ignores gravity. But then, I love pelicans, period.
A wonderful bird is the pelican,
His bill can hold more than his belly can.
Then Ed saw with a grimace,
That it’s belly WAS biggest,
And decided to start a new poem again.
What a wonderful bird the pelican is, too bad he can’t play basketball worth a @##&
Sounds a bit like Ogden Nash to me.
Was that Ogden Nash ?
Bombs away!
Ogden Nash quote
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 6 years ago
I can’t speak to its veracity… but AFAIK Mr. Merritt’s clever limerick actually goes….
“A wonderful bird is the pelican,
His bill will hold more than his belican,
He can take in his beak
Enough food for a week
But I’m damned if I see how the Helican!"
over 6 years ago
I’m impressed that the pelican can support its own weight.
gammaguy over 6 years ago
Silly fellow doesn’t even know what a pelican looks like.
That bird is not a pelican.
Cerabooge over 6 years ago
I love how the pelican so blithely ignores gravity. But then, I love pelicans, period.
eegriff Premium Member over 6 years ago
A wonderful bird is the pelican,
His bill can hold more than his belly can.
Then Ed saw with a grimace,
That it’s belly WAS biggest,
And decided to start a new poem again.
PO' DAWG over 6 years ago
What a wonderful bird the pelican is, too bad he can’t play basketball worth a @##&
Habogee over 6 years ago
Sounds a bit like Ogden Nash to me.
NORTHIDAHO over 6 years ago
Was that Ogden Nash ?
Lablubber over 6 years ago
Bombs away!
dead.theologians.society over 6 years ago
Ogden Nash quote