Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for November 21, 2018

  1. Tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    HarryCK  over 6 years ago

    I bet they don’t leave a tip !

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  2. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  over 6 years ago

    Yes, you do, Chesney.

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    LastRoseofSummer Premium Member over 6 years ago

    One, two, three… let’s all say it in unison.

    You are the flakiest cat ever!*
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  4. Dsc 9038
    fashionblvd  over 6 years ago

    Dessert – 2 “ss” because you always want seconds. Unless the joke was something about the pie being dry and desert-like.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 6 years ago

    We all do.

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    jessegooddog  over 6 years ago

    I’m sure Oliver wouldn’t be complaining.

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    ladykat Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Good morning and happy hump day, Graham Crackers. Yes, Chesney, you are definitely a flake.

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    golfgranny47  over 6 years ago

    I was about to say something about being hot and dry but , oh, you meant “dessert”!

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  9. Hobbes
    MDMom  over 6 years ago

    . . . what dessert, would the kittens prefer? Mice or mouse? :)

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    Popcorn   over 6 years ago

    Open mouth,insert “paw!”

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  11. Booboo
    bbear  over 6 years ago

    Today’s BBEAR posts:

    1. A short video: Tiny kitten meows.


    2. A short video: This kitty has his bodyguards.


    3. Pow! Right in the kisser.


    4. This is outrageous(ly cute).


    5. When the end is near…


    6. His spoon became a ladle.


    7. This one’s for Happyx3 and Laughingkitty


    8. Better reward him by feeding him.


    9. You will eat this and you will like this.


    10. The three house cats band together when the humans bring a puppy into the house. (Poor doggie)


    11. Ummm, yeah. All the time. Turn about is fair play.


    12. A Humpday cute kitten post: this book got one kitten smiley face in it’s review.


    13. A Humpday cute kittens post: these slightly profane kittens were hung out to dry.


    14. Make the snow go away.


    22 pictures and 2 videos were posted on Ten Cats Fan Club this morning

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  12. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  over 6 years ago

    Hi Gang, just dropped in to say that I’m now back online following computer issues that meant I had to replace several vital components. Still sorting things out at the moment and hope to be back and running properly within a couple of days.


    I’ve got a lot of Ten Cats to catch up on!

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  13. Zazzle600 copy
    Graham Harrop creator over 6 years ago

    Thanks for catching the misspelling – appreciated!

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  14. Lighthouse
    mountaingreenery.  over 6 years ago

    Chesney is lucky he didn’t get that pie in his face, with all the cheek he gives.

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    daleandkristen  over 6 years ago

    YIKES….GRAHAM CORRECTED THE SPELLING. Sneaky and hilarious! Well done.

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  16. Bluebell s kittens
    Mary  over 6 years ago

    Betcha she says it…

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    tad1  over 6 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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    tad1  over 6 years ago

    Chesney is the flake to end all flakes.

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    ladykat Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Hey! Where is today’s Ten Cats? Graham, WAKE UP!!!!!! And, by the way, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who celebrate today.

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    jessegooddog  over 6 years ago

    All the kitties must be busy cooking Annie a nice meal. Or maybe she took them home for the day,

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  21. Tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    HarryCK  over 6 years ago

    No “Grahamie” for today’s performance ! &nnsp;Mr. H. would get better service if he hard copy mailed the installments !

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  22. Booboo
    bbear  over 6 years ago

    I hope all Americans who are celebrating Thanksgiving have multiple things to be thankful about today (Thursday). I waited until 10:00 EST to post but I got to get off now and clean house. I have visitors coming and out of town family staying the night.

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  23. Booboo
    bbear  over 6 years ago

    Today’s BBEAR posts:

    1. A starving kitty desperately turns to the neighbors for help.


    2. If cats could take selfies.


    3. Cosplay?


    4. The things you subject your kitty to seeing in the morning. (Poor kitty)


    5. A Purrsday cute kitten post: who called this meeting?


    6. Thanksgiving Greetings: this should be captioned: “somebody brings out pumpkin pie.”


    7. A Purrsday classic repost.


    8. A Purrsday cute kitten post: don’t say that we didn’t warn you.


    9. A classic example of why Dr. “Bones” McCoy hated and feared to use the transporter beam on Star Trek.


    10. A Purrsday cute kitten post: mini-mes.


    11. Where catfish come from.


    12. A Purrsday cute kitten post: who called this meeting?


    13. A Purrsday cute kitten post: a mama-kitten loving encounter.


    14. A Purrsday classic repost: why you should always check your boots before putting them on.


    18 pictures were posted to Ten Cats Fan Club this morning

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  24. Img 0356
    kd1sq Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Alpha Cat update

    No earth shattering happenings of late. Alpha Cat did display the cat side of his (extremely) unusual nature yesterday.

    Pat slaughtered three turkeys yesterday. Alpha Cat, as always, sat close by and watched with huge interest and anticipation.

    He received his Thanksgiving treat. No, not giblets, anything like that – he has always tuned his nose up at such lesser fare when offered.

    Think sugar on snow, only red in hue. (We have two plus feet of snow up here now.)

    Pat had to wash his face and whiskers off afterwards. He looked like a road accident victim.

    This, the cat who can tenderly carry kittens to a safe place and would die defending those he considers his family.

    We are much like him, or he is much like us – capable of the great and good – all mixed in with the barbarian.

    Every day he teaches us something about ourselves.

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  25. Angel cat
    noreenklose  over 6 years ago

    @Graham Harrop and my Ten Cats fans friends

    H A P P Y

    T H A N K S G I V I N G ! ! !



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