he really is portrayed as a brat – though parents not disciplining and letting him have what he wants contribute to that a lot can’t say I like Juniors character
The whole concept of fake news is the ultimate example of fake news, and no one uses it (and needs it) more than the president. Time for an intervention.
news flash for you betty drinking any amount of alcohol is bad for you (all those studies saying two drinks are good for you are link to sponsors in the alcohol industry) but you continue to have your bottle of wine and bud his beer. is it going to kill you? probably not.
Energy drink executives must fall over themselves laughing at the prospect of being sued over the (in my experience) nonexistent effects of their products’ alleged active ingredients, which seem to me to be likewise nonexistent. What they’re neglecting are possible side-effects from the only-too-existent ingredients added to make them taste so abominable!
I just finished reading Adam@Home where half the commenters are expecting Adam to die from eating raw cookie dough. This “everything is bad for you” is becoming an obsession!
Nachikethass about 6 years ago
Junior’s tending towards the philosophy of the modern world! Any unpleasant, inconvenient, news is fake news!!
whahoppened about 6 years ago
I say bleach his brain and start over. Don’t know how to keep it from happening again tho.
m b about 6 years ago
he really is portrayed as a brat – though parents not disciplining and letting him have what he wants contribute to that a lot can’t say I like Juniors character
well-i-never about 6 years ago
Not much to enjoy here in the lead-up to Christmas.
JamesPycior about 6 years ago
The proper response to “Fake News” claims is: “Prove it”
Ubintold about 6 years ago
Let him drink Kool Aid.
mountainclimber about 6 years ago
The whole concept of fake news is the ultimate example of fake news, and no one uses it (and needs it) more than the president. Time for an intervention.
kunddog about 6 years ago
news flash for you betty drinking any amount of alcohol is bad for you (all those studies saying two drinks are good for you are link to sponsors in the alcohol industry) but you continue to have your bottle of wine and bud his beer. is it going to kill you? probably not.
Rauderi about 6 years ago
As usual, “Fake News” = Truth I Don’t Want to Hear.
DarkHorseSki about 6 years ago
The kid has a great point.
Jefano Premium Member about 6 years ago
Energy drink executives must fall over themselves laughing at the prospect of being sued over the (in my experience) nonexistent effects of their products’ alleged active ingredients, which seem to me to be likewise nonexistent. What they’re neglecting are possible side-effects from the only-too-existent ingredients added to make them taste so abominable!
JP Steve Premium Member about 6 years ago
I just finished reading Adam@Home where half the commenters are expecting Adam to die from eating raw cookie dough. This “everything is bad for you” is becoming an obsession!