We only have two seasons in Iceland, according to the calendar – winter and summer. The first day of winter is in less than 2 weeks (October 26). The first day of summer will be on April 23 next year. But, on the bright side, Christmas will be over for the most part in about 4 months (I’ve seen some places that already have their decorations up).
“Well the sun comes up, and the sun goes down, and the hands on the clock go round and round. First it’s time to get up, then it’s time to lay down. Life sure gets tedious, don’t it?” Attributed to Walter Brennan on various lyrics web sites.
Most of the people I’ve spoken with that hate Winter, do absolutely nothing, during those months. One of the best ways to at least tolerate New England Winters, is to dress for them, and get out, and do things.
Templo S.U.D. over 5 years ago
got any other ideas, Patty, to cheer Charlie Brown up?
iggyman over 5 years ago
Summer does go by way too fast, C.B.!
therese_callahan2002 over 5 years ago
New England falls are lovely with all the foliage, but New England winters are terrible.
Purple People Eater over 5 years ago
We only have two seasons in Iceland, according to the calendar – winter and summer. The first day of winter is in less than 2 weeks (October 26). The first day of summer will be on April 23 next year. But, on the bright side, Christmas will be over for the most part in about 4 months (I’ve seen some places that already have their decorations up).
mudleg over 5 years ago
. . . and if we age at all, it will be imperceptible.
Charlie Fogwhistle over 5 years ago
“Well the sun comes up, and the sun goes down, and the hands on the clock go round and round. First it’s time to get up, then it’s time to lay down. Life sure gets tedious, don’t it?” Attributed to Walter Brennan on various lyrics web sites.
knight1192a over 5 years ago
Patty’s right to be upset with him in the last panel.
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member over 5 years ago
“And the seasons, they go ’round and ’round,
And the painted ponies go up and down:
We’re captive on a carousel of time.
We can’t return; we can only look behind from where we came,
And go ’round and ’round and ’round in the Circle Game."
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Charlie: I’ve always been on your side. But don’t dismiss Fall – my favorite season of all!9
Shikamoo Premium Member over 5 years ago
Ever the pessimist.
tinstar over 5 years ago
Most of the people I’ve spoken with that hate Winter, do absolutely nothing, during those months. One of the best ways to at least tolerate New England Winters, is to dress for them, and get out, and do things.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
I love Autumn.