Yeah, let them balance nature… as long as they stay far away from you. Am I right? I can handle all kinds of creepy crawlies, even spiders. Cockroaches and mosquitoes are a big no-no, for obvious reasons. Still, there’s only one that terrifies me for real… but I’m not going to say.
I know ticks aren’t bugs, or even insects, but what good are they? Even mosquitoes have a role to play… male mosquitoes are important pollinators. But I don’t see anything beneficial in ticks.
Environmentalists are concerned about declines in insect population. In 2017, a study in Germany found a 75% reduction in biomass of flying insects. There is a group advocating replacing lawn grass with insect friendly plants and landscaping.
mccollunsky almost 2 years ago
If you mess with bugs, you mess with the balance of Charlie Brown.
Templo S.U.D. almost 2 years ago
good call, Lucy, on the bug on Charlie Brown
bigcatbusiness almost 2 years ago
Yeah, let them balance nature… as long as they stay far away from you. Am I right? I can handle all kinds of creepy crawlies, even spiders. Cockroaches and mosquitoes are a big no-no, for obvious reasons. Still, there’s only one that terrifies me for real… but I’m not going to say.
hleavitt155 almost 2 years ago
we have a preying mantis as long as my fore arm in our yard that would scare godzilla. how’s that for scary?
Indiana Guy Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I know ticks aren’t bugs, or even insects, but what good are they? Even mosquitoes have a role to play… male mosquitoes are important pollinators. But I don’t see anything beneficial in ticks.
iggyman almost 2 years ago
Bugs have their place as long as it’s not on me!
iggyman almost 2 years ago
Bugs bug me, say Charlie Brown!
Just-me almost 2 years ago
Depends on the bug. Most I don’t mind, wasps, scorpions and spiders are a different story though.
delennwen almost 2 years ago
“Why’s every buggy always pickin’ on me?”
Ceeg22 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
As long as it’s not tickling the back of my neck
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
Especially if it’s a spider or ant! Aaaaakkk!
Jogger2 almost 2 years ago
Environmentalists are concerned about declines in insect population. In 2017, a study in Germany found a 75% reduction in biomass of flying insects. There is a group advocating replacing lawn grass with insect friendly plants and landscaping.
The Orange Mailman almost 2 years ago
I hope the joke for tomorrow is the same only about spiders instead.