I follow Great Lakes shipping. The Soo Locks, which connect Lake Superior with the lower lakes will be closing (until late March) for annual maintenance and repair so Superior ports and harbors are really backed-up with ships waiting to load. After delivering the last load, the ships go to lay-up, giving crews time with their friends and family.
The TURNPIKE between Ft Worth and Dallas Texas tolls were removed in 1978 when the bonds were paid off. State officials since have vowed to never let that happen again.
docforbin about 6 years ago
That wouldn’t work even on the Long Island Expressway, a/k/a “The World’s Longest Parking Lot”.
dukedoug about 6 years ago
This is what entrance road traffic lights are for … One vehicle per green light.
Thechildinme about 6 years ago
I follow Great Lakes shipping. The Soo Locks, which connect Lake Superior with the lower lakes will be closing (until late March) for annual maintenance and repair so Superior ports and harbors are really backed-up with ships waiting to load. After delivering the last load, the ships go to lay-up, giving crews time with their friends and family.
Jogger2 about 6 years ago
The display has a capacity of 7 digits, with a 3 digit number currently up. And Ziggy is taking a number with 5 or more digits.
ForALaugh Premium Member about 6 years ago
Only solution is more people. Shoot for 8 billion in 2019 folks!
Nellie Rascal about 6 years ago
The TURNPIKE between Ft Worth and Dallas Texas tolls were removed in 1978 when the bonds were paid off. State officials since have vowed to never let that happen again.