Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for January 07, 2019

  1. Doc forbin avatar
    docforbin  about 6 years ago

    I say it’s high time to get rid of all the creaky, antiquated bowls and introduce a REAL sixteen team, four round playoff tournament to be played in the four Saturdays after the Army-Navy Game. The sixteen teams would be determined by the average of the final AP and coaches polls after the Army-Navy Game. If this was in place this season Boise State would have been in it for sure. Schools like Alabama and Clemson are deathly afraid that Boise State would hand them their asses in a legitimately-played championship game so they want to keep the current CFP which rigs things in the Power Five conferences’ favor and keep schools like Boise State from ever legitimately competing for the national championship. It’s time to reform the college football playoff system NOW!

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  2. Missing large
    sarah413 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    No, the money generated by any expansion would go to the overlords who ru(i)n the N.C.A.A.

    By the way, is the director of the Alabama State High School Athletic Association a candidate for Sports Jerk of the Year?

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  3. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 6 years ago

    Sports Heroes of the Year should go to young men planning a career in professional sports who sat out these meaningless exhibitions which put millions in the universities coffers but did nothing for the athlete except possible jeopardize his future if he sustained an injury.

    They were not being selfish as some NCAA officials would have us believe. They were pointing out the hypocrisy of the NFL Farm League’s Showcase of Bowl games and making a sound business decision.

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  4. 20190101 121642
    captastro  about 6 years ago

    American Standard, Delta Faucts and Jacuzzi should cosponser a bowl game for the two college teams with the Worst record. Call it the “Toliet Bowl”. Seriously. I’d watch.

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  5. Boston
    MS72  about 6 years ago

    they probably want a cut of the legalized gambling…

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  6. Large 1699141985732
    shanen0  about 6 years ago

    I hope this series is some sort of parody. The sad reality is that the current focus on “absolute” winning is making everyone else into LOSERS. The psychological damage of excessive competition is certainly a candidate for the primary cause of America’s decline.

    Just heard (on NHK) an interesting sports story from real life. In the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, One of the Japanese athletes made a supreme effort and captured the bronze in the Marathon. He did not feel like the third best marathoner in the world, but felt like a LOSER. More so because he almost took the silver, but got passed in the final lap in the stadium. Under the increasing pressure to do “better” in the 1968 Olympics he killed himself in 1967.


    My alma mater spent some years as a cupcake team in a major conference. It was NOT a good thing and the shift to a conference of actual peers is clearly better.

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