Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard for January 27, 2019

  1. Missing large
    GreasyOldTam  about 6 years ago

    Dear Younger Pam: DO NOT marry that louse of an ex-husband to be.

    That would go better if I knew the name of Pam’s ex.

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  2. Bluedog
    Bilan  about 6 years ago

    Dear Young Brewster: Don’t sign up for the Alien-Brain-Probe Space Cadet position.

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  3. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 6 years ago

    Sound advice.

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  4. Jmao9763
    mddshubby2005  about 6 years ago

    Dear Young Dr. Mel: Don’t break the time machine next time you’re back here.

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  5. Picture
    MosheWaisberg  about 6 years ago

    in the movie Frequency he tells his younger friend to invest in Yahoo! stock

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  6. Hal2
    montylc2001  about 6 years ago

    No no no Brewster…..Apple or Microsoft.

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  7. Large tigresstree  copy enh1
    Tigressy  about 6 years ago

    Not chicken or beef?

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  8. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 6 years ago

    My younger self didn’t have any money to buy these stocks.

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  9. Hopper oneal mini
    YippiKiAyMofo  about 6 years ago

    Dear Younger Me: Please stop ruining my $@#%ing life.

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  10. Mh 465796339 863108746036623 6589731031279380187 n
    Radish...   about 6 years ago

    You are going to live longer than you expect, please take care of yourself.

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  11. Cw avatar006
    blakerl  about 6 years ago

    I don’t think notes to past self would be inspiring, but rather depressing. Shoulda Coulda Woulda only end up with regrets.

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  12. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 6 years ago

    Dear Younger Me;

    Stop playing that video game so much (You know the one I mean), it will hurt your carpals and do something nasty to one of the tendons in your hand…

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  13. Img 1610
    WCraft Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Note to younger self. The world considers itself more enlightened in the new millennia but has become more hateful and divided than ever…

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  14. Picture
    LeeCox  about 6 years ago

    Note to younger self: What were you THINKING?

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  15. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I was asked what I would do if I could time travel. I replied that I would go back to 1980 and loan Bill Gates some startup capital.

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  16. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  about 6 years ago

    I wrote a letter to my younger self once; The a**hole marked it “return to sender” and sent it back!…

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  17. Spock
    Spock  about 6 years ago

    The text in her bubbles should go “I’m reading a book. I found it in some old chests in a lesser used storage room. It doesn’t work properly, I couldn’t change the title and choose another novel. Also, it’s hard to read as you can’t resize the letters, lighten up the backgrund or search for keywords. I don’t understand why people ever used such ridiculous readers.”

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  18. Spock
    Spock  about 6 years ago

    The text in her bubbles should go “I’m reading a book." Brewster: “a book? What is that?” “It’s a reader from the 20th century. I found it in some old chests in a lesser used storage room, locked up for decades.” “Does it still work? Batteries should be low now.” "According to Wikipedia, these “books” should even work without batteries. But it doesn’t work properly, though, I couldn’t change the title and choose another novel. Also, it’s hard to read as you can’t resize the letters, lighten up the backgrund or search for keywords. I don’t understand why people ever used such ridiculous readers.”

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