FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for February 20, 2019

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 6 years ago

    after no video games, it will be books: either J.R.R. Tolkien for Jason or Jane Austen for Paige

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    Kwen  about 6 years ago

    It was the same night , 10 years ago, that a Ms Andy F. send iFruit a little customer suggestion about “a tiny TV set and video game that could fit in my kids pocket” …

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    the lost wizard  about 6 years ago

    I just wish there was some device where you could each do your own thing, keep your head down and not bother with anyone else.

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    Wren Fahel  about 6 years ago

    I remember when I was a child, always losing the battle for the living room color TV. I’d always end up watching what I wanted on my parents’ black & white TV. When I was a teenager my parents got me my own little B&W TV, which I took with me when I got married. Eventually, my husband & I got a color TV. After that, I remember the first time I saw “Yellow Submarine” in color! I would watch it almost every time it came on TV, but always in B&W!

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    DanFlak  about 6 years ago

    At age 14, I got a summer job selling cotton candy at an amusement park. I saved up my money and bought a black and white “luggable” TV so I could watch what I wanted to. I had that TV for more than 20 years.

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  6. Swallowed a hockey stick
    Ceeg22 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    We argued over “Flying Nun” vs “Get Smart”. We lived next door to a convent, and the nuns voted for Get Smart

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    yangeldf  about 6 years ago

    very progressive comic at the time suggesting that a girl has a genuine interest in video games.

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    Random Lurker Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Oh yeah… X-Wing… That’s some good nostalgia

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 6 years ago

    Make them reach each other’s books and write a report of the loss of more and more benefits.

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  10. Calvplay   2
    Mentor397  about 6 years ago

    I miss X-Wing. I want my old, old, old, old, old computer back.

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