Frank and Ernest by Thaves for January 09, 2011
Frank says, "My friend, Ernie is a big film buff. He's watching all his favorites from last year again." Frank says, "What's this one, Ernie?" Ernest says, "'The Social Network,' the movie about 'Facebook.' It's great!" Frank says, "They made a mvoie about 'Facebook,' maybe one day they'll make one about 'Twitter.'" Ernest says, "I think the plot of that would be very hard to follow." Frank says, "Hard to follow?" Ernest says, "Sure, a 'Twitter' movie could have up to 140 characters in it!"
bmonk about 14 years ago
On the other hand, the dialogue would be choppy and very hard to follow–but no monologues!
freeholder1 about 14 years ago
And everyone would be getting hit on.