Or one more.
I’ll go by that. One is the loneliest number as ‘they’ say. Not to me! I answer to NO one else (unless I want to) and love it that way.
And then, the giant picks up his cup of hyooman flavoured punch, and drinks it.
I think she should stand up and think about leaving.
March 04, 2016
Radish... about 4 years ago
Or one more.
Skylark about 4 years ago
I’ll go by that. One is the loneliest number as ‘they’ say. Not to me! I answer to NO one else (unless I want to) and love it that way.
Gent about 4 years ago
And then, the giant picks up his cup of hyooman flavoured punch, and drinks it.
Qiset about 4 years ago
I think she should stand up and think about leaving.
Pickled Pete about 4 years ago