The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for September 17, 2019

  1. Missing large
    WaitingMan  over 5 years ago

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but our heroes are starting to look a little pudgy. Therefore, Taco Tuesday has been replaced by Tennis Tuesday. These people need to stop standing around and start working out a little bit.

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  2. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    And now, it’s time for your most awaited show…. The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space!

    (Ep #67) :

    Dr. Grekkson, who was Dr. Frogenstein’s student and his assistant, and now the scientist in chief of Frog nation, Kermit the Hermit frog, Brekk, the bugs, and others meet in the Frog nation’s capital.

    “There are too many of giant mosquitoes on Planet Diptera”, begins Brekk, “They have rapidly spread across that planet and we have limited weaponry and soldiers to take on a planet full of giant mosquitoes. They had launched their own space station around that planet too. We’ve destroyed it, but they may launch another. With Diptera’s proximity to our Planet Bribbitt, they pose a greater threat to us. And we don’t know what has happened to the giant flies of Diptera. If they’re extinct now thanks to the giant mosquitoes, we’re doomed as there goes our primary source of food. The stocked food is running out and all the previous attempts of the giant fly rehabilitation on our Planet Bribbitt have failed.”

    “Why did it fail?”, asks Buzz the green bug. To which Kermit the wise hermit says, “The giant flies of Bribbitt are an endangered species. They went almost extinct as the frogs and toads populations thrived. and were rapidly hunting off giant flies. This and the improvement in hygienic conditions on this planet also led to the loss of habitat for the giant fly creatures. Desertification and malnutrition caused them to further decline. There were attempts to rehabilitate them, but they were never successful. The nearby Planet Diptera was full of them, and we were forbid to colonialise other planets because of our religious doctrines. So, we only went there, hunted them, and came back. This giant mosquito invasion has thus cut off a major food source for frogs and toads.”

    “As Brekk says, the giant mosquitoes on Diptera are now too many, and we haven’t got enough laser power to take down them all. It will be a long war and our food supplies will run out

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