The Meaning of Lila by John Forgetta and L.A. Rose for February 26, 2019

  1. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I see that people have been asking about Annie again, and about the reruns….

    so just in case anyone sees it, this is what I know:


    It’s NOT about any lack of interest.

    JWF, the cartoonist, writes the storylines and dialogue, but was paying others to draw the strip.

    In October of 2012, he decided he couldn’t afford to continue. instead of ending it, he was persuaded to let it start over, while looking for a way to continue.


    Last October, in 2018, we came to those last strips again… not a tidy ending but a cliffhanger involving Annie.

    We were hoping JWF could start up again, and finally tell us what happens… but instead, it rebooted again, not quite back to the beginning… but still way before Annie came into it.


    A few days ago, I posted about continuity after Lila and Boyd left MetroMart for that other job, which they liked better.

    Apologies to anyone who already saw it… but I said then…

    “In a few weeks of January strips that we apparently skipped in this reboot, first their supervisor told them she was leaving the company… then their jobs were outsourced, and they were fired.

    They were unemployed for quite a while, hanging out at Starbucks and such, till somehow they got their Metromart jobs back…..

    and we recently came back to the story line in progress some time after that.


    We must have skipped quite a bit after their return, as well, to get so close to their firing from MetroMart.

    I know it wasn’t the same scenes of firing, just transposed to say “MetroMart” …. cos it was a man who fired them from the other job."


    Well, since I wrote that, the weird thing is, we’re seeing strips that originally ran after that first firing….

    before they came back to MetroMart…. so now the timeline been scrambled. We’ll just have to see where it goes from here.

    If it were following the original timeline it would take a couple of years … maybe 2 and a half… to get to Annie again.

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  2. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I didn’t know any of that. gracias, Señorita Susan!

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  3. Toughcat
    bakana  about 6 years ago

    Maybe someone pushed the Random Button by mistake and it got Stuck?

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  4. Missing large
    ctomcoll  about 6 years ago

    Annie will probably be 30 and hosting a talk show the next time we see her.

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