“Pavlova’s Date.”
I like that Pilsner is always smarter than Moondog. (Unless it involves a mirror.)
Picked it up fast. Odd. The dumbest animals are usually the hardest to train.
What a good boy is Moondog, good boy.
Not much chance of this relationship going much further as sooner or later, she will take away Moondog’s beer. End game
Pilsner’s look in the last panel is priceless.
I ‘told you so’ yesterday.
I think he is playing along just to get more free snacks.
He’s still not there yet, he’s housebroken.
I wonder when she’ll take this show on the road.
For Pilsner, this is a matter of self-interest! Only he is supposed to be able to manipulate Moonie1
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Dirty Dragon about 6 years ago
“Pavlova’s Date.”
M2MM about 6 years ago
I like that Pilsner is always smarter than Moondog. (Unless it involves a mirror.)
Enter.Name.Here about 6 years ago
Picked it up fast. Odd. The dumbest animals are usually the hardest to train.
juncarlo about 6 years ago
What a good boy is Moondog, good boy.
Aussie Down Under about 6 years ago
Not much chance of this relationship going much further as sooner or later, she will take away Moondog’s beer. End game
smoore47 about 6 years ago
Pilsner’s look in the last panel is priceless.
russef about 6 years ago
I ‘told you so’ yesterday.
Indianapolis Smith about 6 years ago
I think he is playing along just to get more free snacks.
cuzinron47 about 6 years ago
He’s still not there yet, he’s housebroken.
Aladar30 Premium Member about 6 years ago
banjinshiju about 6 years ago
I wonder when she’ll take this show on the road.
Sisyphos about 6 years ago
For Pilsner, this is a matter of self-interest! Only he is supposed to be able to manipulate Moonie1
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