New teacher? I like that she is wearing her ID/electronic key/access to the copiers and printers on a lanyard around her neck like real teachers do. There’s no dignity is wearing a lanyard, and the third panel makes that clear.
All my university notebooks are filled with doodles of my obsessions from that time (Digimon and Teen Titans). Whenever somebody asks “can I read your old notes from college?” I’m like “mmm, nope”.
Nancy needs to take a tip from Ruthie at One Big Happy – Just declare your art to be “good art,” set up a stand under a tree, put up a sign, and try to convince passers-by to “invest” in your art.
Oh – Wait – then someone might have to draw a tree, a stand, a sign and some passers-by for Nancy to talk to! Most likely, too impossible to contemplate!
danketaz Premium Member almost 6 years ago
That’s okay, she’s not finished with that either.
SHIVA almost 6 years ago
I notice a propensity for Miss Nancy to either be enlightened or shooting herself in the foot on the 4th panel.
gutbloom almost 6 years ago
New teacher? I like that she is wearing her ID/electronic key/access to the copiers and printers on a lanyard around her neck like real teachers do. There’s no dignity is wearing a lanyard, and the third panel makes that clear.
cubswin2016 almost 6 years ago
So this isn’t actually art class. Someone is going to be in trouble.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 6 years ago
In other Nancy news, Zippy the Pinhead may well be worth a look (as it usually is):
WCraft almost 6 years ago
…and the daydream is over.
Just Clementine almost 6 years ago
im becoming convinced that we’re supposed to find some ongoing connection between the artist serial plot and the lamb serial plot in old nancy
Lassmaster almost 6 years ago
Well, nobody can say Nancy is not focused on her goals.
DCBakerEsq almost 6 years ago
I doodle myself. In private, of course.
Stingy McDuck almost 6 years ago
All my university notebooks are filled with doodles of my obsessions from that time (Digimon and Teen Titans). Whenever somebody asks “can I read your old notes from college?” I’m like “mmm, nope”.
LoisG Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Nancy needs to take a tip from Ruthie at One Big Happy – Just declare your art to be “good art,” set up a stand under a tree, put up a sign, and try to convince passers-by to “invest” in your art.
Oh – Wait – then someone might have to draw a tree, a stand, a sign and some passers-by for Nancy to talk to! Most likely, too impossible to contemplate!
asrialfeeple almost 6 years ago
Nancy being Nancy.