If the lost lunch on the bus had eggs and it is warm and the lunch sat on the bus all day and wasn’t removed, the next version of lost my lunch will be the messy one….
Punctuation matters. I try to use it as correctly and effectively as possible, and then I try to use it as little as possible. I get to tie my text to pictures, pictures of people using facial expressions and body language, which, if I do it right, should take care of anything punctuation would. Any exclamation point, any em-dash, any type italicized for emphasis, is a potential sign of my failure to convey the pacing and emphasis and meaning through my characters. Or, in the event I do, the confidence to trust my characters to carry it off.
Also, every punctuation mark I use is an opportunity to use a punctuation mark incorrectly. So if I can’t motivate myself with ambition, I can motivate myself with cowardice. (Insert character here with sardonically slanted mouth and eyes rolled skyward.)
kraftjeff over 5 years ago
If the lost lunch on the bus had eggs and it is warm and the lunch sat on the bus all day and wasn’t removed, the next version of lost my lunch will be the messy one….
rekam Premium Member over 5 years ago
At least Frazz could offer her some money so she could buy lunch in the cafeteria.
Old Girl over 5 years ago
bp would be making a stink over this one.
Ceeg22 Premium Member over 5 years ago
I would hope he would have been notified
asrialfeeple over 5 years ago
He would’ve known. I’ve lost plenty of lunches when I was the kids age.
cervelo over 5 years ago
A whole emergency response process has just been triggered to get the child the needed sustenance…
MS72 over 5 years ago
school janitors know plenty about lost lunches
cervelo over 5 years ago
Kid reminds me of Charlie Brown’s Marcie.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Blog PostsFrazz15 hrs ·
Punctuation matters. I try to use it as correctly and effectively as possible, and then I try to use it as little as possible. I get to tie my text to pictures, pictures of people using facial expressions and body language, which, if I do it right, should take care of anything punctuation would. Any exclamation point, any em-dash, any type italicized for emphasis, is a potential sign of my failure to convey the pacing and emphasis and meaning through my characters. Or, in the event I do, the confidence to trust my characters to carry it off.
Also, every punctuation mark I use is an opportunity to use a punctuation mark incorrectly. So if I can’t motivate myself with ambition, I can motivate myself with cowardice. (Insert character here with sardonically slanted mouth and eyes rolled skyward.)