This episode has our first look – and our hero’s first look – at the humanoid form of Phosphene.
Some alternative replies Maledicta nearly had when asked, “What’s the difference?” Clamps, Artistry, Bees, Lemon Zest, and Attention to detail. I reserve the right to change the answer before it goes to print. :)
Steve Conley creator almost 6 years ago
This episode has our first look – and our hero’s first look – at the humanoid form of Phosphene.
Some alternative replies Maledicta nearly had when asked, “What’s the difference?” Clamps, Artistry, Bees, Lemon Zest, and Attention to detail. I reserve the right to change the answer before it goes to print. :)
Masterius almost 6 years ago
Maledicta feels this story is just dragon on forever.