FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for March 04, 2011
Paige: Nicole, I can't go through with this. I have to put the CD back. Nicole: But we're almost in the clear! Ten more feet! Paige: No! It's wrong! I can't do it! I want this record as much as anybody, but more than that, I want to be able to look myself in the mirror tomorrow. We'll just have to wait until we've scrounged up the money to buy it. Nicole: But that could take days! Weeks! Paige: There's definitely a downside to liking flash-in-the-plan groups. Nicole: I mean, I'd be surprised if this album weren't passe by nightfall.
DerkinsVanPelt218 almost 14 years ago
See how hard things were before LimeWire and BitTorrent?
hallda01 almost 14 years ago
I like how all the comments earlier this week were about how stealing is wrong, and then today they’re just about how it’s nicer when you can steal in the privacy of your own home.
datikigod almost 14 years ago
I used to pirate music back in high school. However, I felt bad for doing it. I have since deleted all my downloads and the stuff I actually listened I bought through iTunes. Wasn’t all that expensive either. I don’t really see what is so bad about paying a buck for a song. I will say pirating allowed me to hear the music I liked before I bought it. But now, I have pandora for that. TBH, there is no reason for pirating nowadays, except for maybe wanting to hear the song a couple of times before you buy it. But iTunes has increased their preview lengths, and you can hear many songs through ilike for 1 free listen or even sometimes on youtube.
This is one story of a pirater gone clean…
davesuff almost 14 years ago
Yay Paige!
vzs1022 almost 14 years ago
Then you don’t need it.
kab2rb almost 14 years ago
Good girl Paige not worth your record.
GeraldTarrant almost 14 years ago
tbh, most piraters are people who would never buy the CD/movie to begin with. (This is where the music/movie industry’s argument for their ridiculous fines for pirating fall short).
VermilionSparrow almost 14 years ago
Piracy actually got me to buy a lot more than I did before. Before Napster/Kazaa/BitTorrent (yep, it’s 10 years old!) I rarely bought any music, just listened to whatever was on the radio, not realizing that they almost never actually put the best stuff (even from popular artists) on the radio.
Plus, it removed the need to pay $20 for an album you may or may not like just to listen to it. Now I listen first, then I buy the stuff I like and delete what I don’t like. At first this meant tracking down a physical CD in a store, but nowadays you can even just buy the tracks you like off any album for $1-2 each, which is even better. I’d actually stop “preview piracy” even if they’d put full-song previews on legal downloads rather than just 30-60 seconds.
legaleagle48 almost 14 years ago
But why would you then buy the cow if you could still get the milk for free, VermilionSparrow?
ABComic almost 14 years ago
^ Because the milk is stolen……..