Crabgrass by Tauhid Bondia for June 26, 2019

  1. Idano
    Ida No  over 5 years ago

    Kevin may be standing at the other end of the curve. He’s not going to be sitting for a while after mom is done with him.

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  2. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Kevin’s wondering if it’s too late to up his attendance record.

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  3. Img 0041
    Dapperdan61  Premium Member over 5 years ago

    First day I discovered this new comic. I just got caught up reading the first one back in April. This is very funny and great to read. Too bad it’s not stripped Daily but I’ll read it when it’s published

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  4. Wally avatar
    JanBic Premium Member over 5 years ago

    We were given our report cards to carry home and get signed. I guess now they are mailed or emailed

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  5. Missing large
    Khatkhattu Premium Member over 5 years ago

    In grade school we got to carry our cards home, in high school they were mailed. I much preferred the mail version: Catholic grade school the teacher, usually a nun, would give you the card and usually have a praiseful or admonitory comment so your classmates knew how you did. An even worse event was when the parish priest handed out the cards so not only did you get admonishment from the nun, but also from the priest, and of course when you got home, it was time for round three-usually ended up with no television for a month or until you brought home some good test or project grades. There was a positive to this process in that very few individuals had an over inflated self esteem and sense of self-worth and there was a strong encouragement to improve your performance. Great preparation for life in the real world because you had a good grasp on your place in the grand scheme of things; i.e. you were not the center of the universe.

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  6. Bbjcesh
    barister  over 5 years ago

    In my neck of the woods, they were given to the students. Everyone on the block received them at the same time, so you couldn’t lie and say you didn’t get one. I received one bad report card and I was quickly coverted.

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  7. Race bannon
    Richard Kirschner Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I just found found this strip and read them all from the start. I was laughing out loud. I’m following.

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  8. In bread dog
    rhodesmk Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Me too. Discovered today (6/27) and went back to the beginning. This may be set in the 80’s, but this 64 year old recognizes a lot of his own childhood in this strip. I’m lovin’ in, and laughin’ out loud as I read it.

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  9. 1bce58935c8be2cb28bc9abe9d0be52b0c33e75c hq
    fan Of All Comics EXEPT FOR DUM ONES   over 3 years ago

    bro my report card came and i got an A or A+ in everything besides gym(gym was a A-)

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  10. Sohibil
    sohibil  almost 2 years ago

    In their parents’ place I wouldn’t give a “dam” about the report cards. You learn for yourself, not for me.

    PS: Apparently this site has icredibly strict policy about “strong” words. It won’t let me post even the “d” word.

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