Pluggers by Rick McKee for February 11, 2011

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    Charles Evans Premium Member about 14 years ago

    My first Amana RadarRange cost me $1000 in 1973, so yes, this is accurate.

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 14 years ago

    I recently tossed my second microwave and bought my third. Not only was the new one lighter, but it cost only $38!!

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    wanderwolf  about 14 years ago

    No such luck here… By the time my mother was willing to buy a microwave, it was only a one-man job. :)

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    paigebridges  about 14 years ago

    Our first microwave was also an Amana RadarRange but we waited a few weeks for the price to “drop” and paid only $700 for ours!

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    jkoskov  about 14 years ago

    Not when I grew up.

    My mom was afraid I was going to turn it into a radio transmitter! She waited till after I was out of the house & married.

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    Nighthawks Premium Member about 14 years ago

    you’re a plugger if you let rhinos in to your house

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    mccrearyk  about 14 years ago

    You’re a plugger if you have non-virtual friends that are actually willing to help you move heavy furniture into your house.

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    Yukoneric  about 14 years ago

    I’m still using a Radar Range at work………..

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    ottod Premium Member about 14 years ago

    My Radar Range with convection oven weighed a ton, but it worked a lot better than the Amana I have now. I’d give $1000 for another one like it (new).

    If anyone from Amana is listening, I’m even willing to beg!

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    LuvThemPluggers  about 14 years ago

    When her kids bought my mother-in-law a microwave she didn’t use it for years and would leave the kitchen if anybody else did. She was sure they would all have their innards cooked from radiation.

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    tedcoop  about 14 years ago

    My mom got her first microwave oven in 1977 – it was permanently mounted above an electric oven and electric stove-top, and she still has it right next to her gas range.

    My first microwave oven was much smaller and lighter, but a hand-me-down – my mother-in-law bought us a new one 5 years ago because she couldn’t stand that the “Stop/Clear” button didn’t work.

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  12. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  about 14 years ago

    We’re still using the microwave I bought before our oldest child was born. He’s 21 now.

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member about 14 years ago

    I bought my mother a GE microwave for Christmas in about 1985. I’m still using it.

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    cknoblo Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Our first one was in a steel cabinet. Yes, it was heavy. We are on our 4th ( I think) and it’s mostly plastic. The same thing happened with VCRs, heavy metal cabinets to light plastic. Now, you can’t buy one without a DVD player included.

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    soundpreacher  about 14 years ago

    It took two people to bring my current microwave into the house!

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