Most cats lose interest in their own reflections at about 6 months, but years ago I had one that was still fascinated until almost a year old. One day he climbed up on a bookcase in the living room and launched himself straight at some mirrored wall panel I’d place above it. It came as a big shock to him that he couldn’t leap into that other room.
Charliegirl Premium Member over 5 years ago
That’s priceless!
over 5 years ago
There can only be one Mittens.
ptnjbrown over 5 years ago
Mittens, you should reflect on that a while.
J Quest over 5 years ago
anomalous4 over 5 years ago
#ISawWhatYouDidThere – or should it be #ISawWhatIDidThere?
mountaingreenery. over 5 years ago
Nuliajuk over 5 years ago
Most cats lose interest in their own reflections at about 6 months, but years ago I had one that was still fascinated until almost a year old. One day he climbed up on a bookcase in the living room and launched himself straight at some mirrored wall panel I’d place above it. It came as a big shock to him that he couldn’t leap into that other room.
rgcviper over 5 years ago
Yup—those mirrors will get ya if you’re not careful.
Made me chuckle.