Typical comic book logic. The ‘seeker’ has heavy boots, a warm coat and a hat to protect his eyes from the sun. Monique made the same climb in spike heels.
She has an Uber Sherpa carry her up, like most of those paying to get up Everest. But at least her clients don’t die. (Well there may be an occasional cardiac problem that’s not her fault.)
Jefano Premium Member over 5 years ago
Okay, which Playboy cartoonist from the days of my misspent (comparative) youth is this in the style of?
Wilde Bill over 5 years ago
Do you want to come upstairs? Or have you come to arrange a holiday?
PICTO over 5 years ago
Truly, Monique looks more bored than happy…
Differentname over 5 years ago
Typical comic book logic. The ‘seeker’ has heavy boots, a warm coat and a hat to protect his eyes from the sun. Monique made the same climb in spike heels.
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
So much for the sermon on the mount….how much is it did you say?
morningglory73 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Happiness I a quick f*** with a prostitute? SAD.
Andrew Sleeth over 5 years ago
Where was Monique all those years I was soul-searching in the wilderness?
Dtroutma over 5 years ago
She has an Uber Sherpa carry her up, like most of those paying to get up Everest. But at least her clients don’t die. (Well there may be an occasional cardiac problem that’s not her fault.)
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
She must be able to generate gt-mo or internal heat to not need much clothes.
washatkc over 5 years ago
Ah happiness is over so fast….for some I hear